Charles Stanley - Taking Risks

Charles Stanley

Do you like playing it safe, or are you more adventurous in your choices? Many Christians don’t like risk because the outcome is uncertain and may involve loss or other unwanted results. From a human viewpoint, eliminating potential harm makes...

TD Jakes - When Taking Risks Makes You Uncomfortable

TD Jakes

In this message Bishop TD Jakes talks about When Taking Risks Makes You Uncomfortable...

Steven Furtick - Danger In The Distance

Steven Furtick

Are you letting shame keep you from intimacy with God? See how approaching God with vulnerability is always worth the “risk.”...

David Jeremiah - Risk: Get Out of Your Safe Zone

David Jeremiah

There’s no such thing as faith without fear. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah shows you that God’s will for you is not earthly comfort but divine courage. Courage in the face of opposition. Courage in the face of cultural change. Courage when you...

Joyce Meyer - Taking Risks - Part 2

Joyce Meyer

Are you ready to take a step of faith today? Joyce Meyer shares how to leave your old habits behind and pursue the new things He has for you....

Joyce Meyer - Taking Risks - Part 1

Joyce Meyer

God has great plans for you! Tune in as Joyce Meyer shares insights on how to enjoy all of God's promises for your life....

Joel Osteen - Be Vulnerable

Joel Osteen

It’s easy to go through life trying to impress people, to show them that we’re strong, that we have it all together. But if you’ll humble yourself, empty out your pride, your fear, your doubts and get real, God will help you to grow. You’ll come up...