Andy Stanley - The Legacy Question

Andy Stanley

Your life is more than random, disconnected events. It's a story being written. Whether it's a thoughtful response or an emotionally fueled reaction, we write the stories of our lives one decision at a time....

Andy Stanley - A Conversation with Dr. Charles Stanley - Part 2

Andy Stanley

In Part 2, Andy and his dad talk about patience, perseverance, photography, and the one thing Dr. Stanley prioritizes more than anything....

Andy Stanley - A Conversation with Dr. Charles Stanley - Part 1

Andy Stanley

What's the legacy you want to leave behind? Life, Love, and Legacy: A Conversation with Dr. Charles Stanley and Andy Stanley...

Charles Stanley - Our Life After Death: Leaving A Godly Legacy

Charles Stanley

In this message, Dr. Stanley teaches us the important role we should play when leaving a godly legacy. He tells us the best thing we can do for our children is to pass on our spiritual principles. We should also instill a desire for them to commit...

Robert Jeffress - A Parent's Greatest Legacy

Robert Jeffress

Today, as we conclude our study of the life of Joseph, we will discover the two greatest gifts any parent can leave his or her child....

Robert Jeffress - A Legacy of Faith

Robert Jeffress

The invaluable quality of faith is not only to be developed but passed on to our children and grandchildren Today, we are going to look at one man who modeled what it means to trust in the sovereignty and sufficiency of God....

Robert Jeffress - Leaving a Legacy that Lasts

Robert Jeffress

Last time we began looking at Elijah’s seventh secret for living an extraordinary life: “Live With The End In View.” Significant people understand that the best use of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it. Leaving a legacy that...