Robert Morris - Receiving the Holy Spirit

Robert Morris

Pastor Robert continues the Words: Life or Death series with a message on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. There are three baptisms every disciple of Christ needs to experience: 1. The Holy Spirit baptizes us in Jesus. This takes place when we...

Robert Morris - The Pure Language

Robert Morris

Pastor Robert continues the Words: Life or Death series by dispelling unbiblical myths about praying in tongues. Speaking in tongues is not gibberish, but a pure, heavenly language. When we pray in tongues, we are praying in cooperation with the...

Robert Morris - Bridling The Tongue

Robert Morris

Only God can tame your tongue, but you have the responsibility to bridle your tongue. Listen as Pastor Robert uncovers the three keys to transforming your speech. Just as a bridle in a horse’s mouth doesn’t immediately tame the horse, we go through...

Robert Morris - Amazing Facts

Robert Morris

Pastor Robert continues the series Words: Life or Death with a message on the power of the tongue. Every time we speak, we’re either producing life (God) or death (Satan). In James 3:1–12, we learn four amazing facts about the tongue: The tongue is...

Robert Morris - Ten Deadly Sins

Robert Morris

Pastor Robert teaches on the ten most deadly sins we can commit with our words and how to avoid them. Understand how your words affect your life. As believers in Christ, our sins, both deeds and words, separate us from intimacy with God (Isaiah...

Robert Morris - The Truth About Words

Robert Morris

Pastor Robert continues the series, Words: Life or Death, by unlocking three truths about words: they cost, they have the power to hurt or heal and they last. In Matthew 12:33–37, Jesus spoke to the Pharisees about words. He used an analogy to...

Robert Morris - The Value of Words

Robert Morris

Pastor Robert begins a new series, Words: Life or Death. Because your words have the power to connect you to God and to others, you must align them with His truth. The words we speak have the power to release either life or death over ourselves and...