Andy Stanley - The Whole Truth

Andy Stanley

In Part 6 of You'll Be Glad You Did, The Whole Truth, Andy Stanley discusses why lying to ourselves to feel good about ourselves keeps us from doing what’s good for ourselves....

Andy Stanley - Live Generous

Andy Stanley

In Part 5 of You'll Be Glad You Did, Live Generous, Andy Stanley discusses why generous people don’t give sporadically. They have a plan....

Andy Stanley - Going the Distance

Andy Stanley

In Part 4 of You'll Be Glad You Did, Going the Distance, Andy Stanley discusses why relationships go better when two people engage in a certain type of competition....

Andy Stanley - Forgive

Andy Stanley

In Part 3 of You'll Be Glad You Did, Andy Stanley's friend, April Farmer, discusses why even though it is not easy, releasing someone from what they've done to you is your only way to freedom....

Andy Stanley - Just Listen

Andy Stanley

In Part 2 of You'll Be Glad You Did, Just Listen, Andy Stanley discusses why nobody likes being told what to do, but when we don’t want advice is often when we need it most....

Andy Stanley - Connecting the Dots

Andy Stanley

In Part 1 of You'll Be Glad You Did, Connecting the Dots, Andy Stanley discusses why your decisions aren't just about you. They impact people closest to you as well....