Amir Tsarfati - Satan Worship is No Longer Underground

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason, God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. – 2 Thessalonians 2: 9-12
Rick Renner - Lying Signs and Wonders
Rick Renner - Lying Signs and Wonders
2-02-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Amir Tsarfati - Get Behind Me, Satan!
Amir Tsarfati - Get Behind Me, Satan!
28-03-2023, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - The Days of Deception
Amir Tsarfati - The Days of Deception
29-07-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - You Have to Receive The Truth
Amir Tsarfati - You Have to Receive The Truth
2-11-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Rick Renner - Strong Delusion
Rick Renner - Strong Delusion
29-06-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Creflo Dollar - How to Defeat the Devil In Your Mind - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - How to Defeat the Devil In Your Mind - Part 1
1-03-2025, 07:00, Creflo Dollar
Amir Tsarfati - Sanctified by Truth
Amir Tsarfati - Sanctified by Truth
14-02-2023, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - The Deception of the Nations
Amir Tsarfati - The Deception of the Nations
1-08-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - By Way of Deception
Amir Tsarfati - By Way of Deception
7-04-2023, 00:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - When Israel Will be Saved
Amir Tsarfati - When Israel Will be Saved
26-04-2023, 00:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - Deceiver
Amir Tsarfati - Deceiver
8-09-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - True Worship
Amir Tsarfati - True Worship
4-01-2023, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - Having Joy in the Last Days
Amir Tsarfati - Having Joy in the Last Days
9-05-2023, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - Grace and Truth Through Jesus
Amir Tsarfati - Grace and Truth Through Jesus
8-05-2023, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - Deception is Everywhere
Amir Tsarfati - Deception is Everywhere
9-04-2023, 00:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - Where is the Promise of His Coming?
Amir Tsarfati - Where is the Promise of His Coming?
15-07-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - Is Everyone Saved Already?
Amir Tsarfati - Is Everyone Saved Already?
19-11-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - The Counterfeit Trinity
Amir Tsarfati - The Counterfeit Trinity
1-01-2025, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - We Must Hold Onto the Word of God
Amir Tsarfati - We Must Hold Onto the Word of God
28-01-2023, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - These are the Days of Deception
Amir Tsarfati - These are the Days of Deception
22-02-2023, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - What is the Restrainer?
Amir Tsarfati - What is the Restrainer?
7-01-2023, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Sid Roth - Ex-Warlock Reveals Shocking Truth About Satan's Agenda
Sid Roth - Ex-Warlock Reveals Shocking Truth About Satan's Agenda
30-01-2025, 07:30, Sid Roth
Amir Tsarfati - The Wars of Israel - Part 1
Amir Tsarfati - The Wars of Israel - Part 1
21-06-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - The Wars of Israel - Part 2
Amir Tsarfati - The Wars of Israel - Part 2
22-06-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati