Joel Osteen - Healing Belongs to You

Joel Osteen

I want to talk to you today about Healing Belongs to You. Isaiah 5:4-5 said "Jesus carried our sicknesses and took our infirmities, and by his stripes you were healed". Jesus took 39 stripes on his back before he was crucified. Studies...

Joel Osteen - A Thousand Times More

Joel Osteen

God's dream for your life is much bigger than your own. You're listening today to my 1,000th message. I didn't think I could do one message, I didn't know this was in me. What God has for you is going to boggle your mind. Deuteronomy 1:11, "May...

Joel Osteen - Keep Digging

Joel Osteen

I want to talk to you today about Keep Digging. We all have dreams God has put in our heart, promises we're standing on, but sometimes you have to go through close doors before you get to open doors. People may do you wrong, keep doing the right...

Joel Osteen - Turn Off The Flow

Joel Osteen

I want to talk to you today about Turn Off The Flow. We live in a day where there's all kinds of gossip, slander, people spreading rumors. But you and I should live by a higher standard. Proverbs 10:18-19 says, "To slander is to be a fool....

Joel Osteen - You Are Worthy

Joel Osteen

I want to talk to you today about You Are Worthy. Here's the key: your worth is not based on what you have, what family you come from, or how perfectly you live. Your worth is based on the fact that you're a child of the Most High God. You are...

Bill Johnson - You Have a Mandate to Pray for God to Bless You

Bill Johnson

You have a mandate to ask God to bless you. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson teaches from Psalm 67; a prayer for God’s blessing and favor. When God blesses you, His ways and who He is is revealed in the earth. Asking God to bless you is not...

Bill Johnson - We Need the Power of the Gospel

Bill Johnson

We need the power of the Gospel. In the book of Acts, power was not separate from the Gospel, it was part of it. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson speaks from Acts and second Corinthians on the power of the Gospel to save and transform lives. We...

Bill Johnson - Unexpected Keys to Your Breakthrough, Laughter and Joy

Bill Johnson

Joy and laughter are keys to your breakthrough! Teaching from Isaiah 54 and 2 Samuel 6, Bill Johnson compares two different responses to joy and how it affected those individuals breakthroughs and fruitfulness. Choosing joy and laughter in difficult...

Bill Johnson - Unbelief Is Not a Lack of Faith

Bill Johnson

Having a small amount of faith is not the same thing as unbelief. In this sermon clip Bill Johnson teaches on faith and the danger of unbelief. Unbelief is not having little faith (faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains), but it is the...

Bill Johnson - The Sound of Heaven

Bill Johnson

What does Heaven sound like? Bill Johnson shares from Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost. A sound from Heaven, as a rushing mighty wind, drew people from all over the city and led to 3000 salvations in one day. Bill shares on the sound of Heaven that is...