Joel Osteen - Healing Belongs to You

I want to talk to you today about Healing Belongs to You. Isaiah 5:4-5 said "Jesus carried our sicknesses and took our infirmities, and by his stripes you were healed". Jesus took 39 stripes on his back before he was crucified. Studies tell us there are 39 major categories of disease. It's not a coincidence Jesus took one stripe for each category, he didn't leave anything out.

"Well, Joel, if God wants me to endure this sickness, then I will". You don't have to endure it, Jesus already endured it. He already paid the price. Healing belongs to you, healing is a part of your heritage. You need to see that sickness as temporary. It didn't come to stay, it came to pass. It's on foreign territory. It has no right to be there, you are a temple of the Most High God.

Now, you need to pray the prayer of faith. Not the prayer of doubt, "I don't see how I can get well, Joel, have you seen the medical report"? Not the prayer of discouragement, "I've had this so long, everyone in my family deals with this sickness". Not the prayer of suffering, "God, help me to endure, help me to just make it through". No, pray like you know healing belongs to you, pray like you know that God has paid the price for your sickness, pray like know God is a good Father, and it's his good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

God is saying to you, "You're my child, healing belongs to you. Believe for your healing, believe for wholeness". Expect things to change in your favor because of who your Father is.

The enemy will try to convince you, "It's been too long. The sickness is too bad, just settle where you are". Tune all that out and get in agreement with God, "Father, I know healing belongs to me. I'm not moved by what I see, I'm moved by what I know. You're Jehovah Rapha the Lord my healer".

When you're believing for your healing, and believing for the promises, you have to get good at hearing, but ignoring. Because there going to be plenty of negative reports, plenty of naysayers. Let that go in one ear and out the other. They don't determine your destiny, ignore it. Sometimes it's our own thoughts that tell us, "You're not going to get well. You'll never meet the right person. You'll never break this addiction". You can't stop that from coming, but you don't have to dwell on it. Let it be a reminder to thank God that he's working.

Friends, God has you in the palm of his hand. You may have things coming against you in your health, but you have to know beyond a shadow of a doubt: healing belongs to you. The price has been paid. As a child of the Most High, that's one of your benefits. Now clear out all the doubt, the discouragement, get away from the dream stealers, and get in agreement with God. Start making the promise bigger than the problem. The bigger you make God, the smaller your problems become, and the more faith will rise in your heart.
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