The Church is remarkable. And against all odds, it changed the world. There is still a great deal that needs changing. By God’s grace and with your help, perhaps we can be a small part of bringing about that change.
We want to be a church unchurched people love to attend. In order to be that kind of church, we need the help of people who share our passion for leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. If you share that passion, you can fully engage in the life of the church by doing four things: Connect. Serve. Give. Invite.
Andy Stanley - Your Church
6-10-2020, 19:44, Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley - Leading Great
8-11-2020, 23:00, Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley - The Irresistible Church
25-06-2022, 03:00, Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley - Invitation
17-11-2020, 23:00, Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley - Eyes On The Road
6-10-2020, 19:18, Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley - Skin In The Game
6-10-2020, 19:44, Andy Stanley
#672 - Joseph Prince - Pillars For Our Church And Life - Part 1
12-07-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
Andy Stanley - The Way of Love
12-04-2024, 20:00, Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley - Count Me In for the Next Gen
10-05-2023, 04:00, Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley - The (Not So) United States Of America
6-10-2020, 19:44, Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley - Not In It To Win It (Christians, Politics, And The Local Church)
6-10-2020, 19:25, Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley - Deeper and Wider
12-04-2024, 17:00, Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley - Engaging in the Local Church
22-08-2022, 03:00, Andy Stanley
Carter Conlon - A Remarkable Day For People Without Hope
12-06-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Louie Giglio - The Church Is Alive and Growing Stronger
18-01-2025, 15:00, Louie Giglio
Andy Stanley - On Message, On Mission
11-05-2023, 04:00, Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley - What Is The Role of the Church in Politics
3-12-2020, 23:00, Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley - The Enemy Within
13-04-2024, 05:00, Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley - Greater Indeed
14-05-2022, 03:00, Andy Stanley
Charles Stanley - A Strong Church
23-10-2020, 00:00, Charles Stanley
Jack Hibbs - Israel, God's Witness to the World - Part 2
27-09-2022, 17:30, Jack Hibbs
Creflo Dollar - Understanding Biblical Headship - Part 1
27-10-2021, 20:00, Creflo Dollar
Andy Stanley - Leading Great (Ninety)
16-05-2022, 03:00, Andy Stanley
Carter Conlon - When Society Begs Jesus To Touch His Church