Coy Barker’s recent appearances on “This Is Your Day” has inspired viewers around the world, and today he joins Pastor Benny for a brand new time of ministry which will set the course for your day and your life! The barriers of your past are about to be broken, and you’re getting ready to enter a new season of anointing, blessing and an open heaven! Coy Barker’s decades of ministry has resulted in a finely-tuned sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and his word from God today will catapult you into a powerful supernatural experience! The anointing was strong on both Pastor Benny and Coy, and several times throughout this program they stop to pray for you. What a way to start your week!
Benny Hinn - The Sound of Jubilee
2-11-2021, 16:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - These Prophetic Times
2-11-2021, 17:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - A Change is in the Air
24-10-2021, 17:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Encounter With God Your Turnaround Miracle
15-11-2021, 22:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - An Encounter with God for Your Turnaround Miracle
26-10-2021, 16:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - The Jubilee Anointing
1-11-2021, 16:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - The Jubilee Trumpet Has Sounded
1-11-2021, 16:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - The Coming Anointing of the Holy Spirit, Part 2
30-10-2021, 17:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Two Divisions of the Anointing
23-11-2021, 12:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - The Coming Anointing of the Holy Spirit, Part 1
30-10-2021, 17:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - How the Anointing Affects Your Life
27-10-2021, 17:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Releasing the Anointing with Powerful Results
29-10-2021, 17:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Releasing Anointing Through Prayer, Part 1
20-11-2021, 10:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Anointing Changes Everything
15-11-2021, 10:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Ministry and Miracles from Armenia
19-11-2021, 09:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Enter a Realm of No Limits
27-10-2021, 16:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Teaching on the Anointing - Part 6
18-10-2021, 02:22, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - The Fire of the Holy Spirit is Coming
31-10-2021, 16:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Releasing Anointing Through Prayer, Part 2
20-11-2021, 10:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Your Blessing is Resting
4-11-2021, 16:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - How to Release the Anointing of God, Part 2
28-10-2021, 16:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - He's Here Right Now
18-11-2021, 07:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Seven Manifestations of the Anointing