Benny Hinn - Jesus' Presence Makes You Whole

As Pastor Benny Hinn led worship during a recent miracle service at Evangel World Prayer Center in Louisville, Kentucky, the presence of Jesus fell in a powerful way on the capacity audience. Miracles are the tangible result of His presence, and you will be thrilled when you see and hear testimonies of men and women who came to the platform to share the change which had taken place in their physical bodies. As you join in the worship, you'll feel Jesus' presence as well, and when this happens release your faith for the miracle you need!
Benny Hinn - Miracles Happen in God's Presence
Benny Hinn - Miracles Happen in God's Presence
19-11-2021, 12:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Standing on Holy Ground
Benny Hinn - Standing on Holy Ground
20-11-2021, 12:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Your Miracle is Real
Benny Hinn - Your Miracle is Real
24-11-2021, 11:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Everything is Possible with God
Benny Hinn - Everything is Possible with God
27-10-2021, 16:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Entering the Healing Presence of God
Benny Hinn - Entering the Healing Presence of God
15-11-2021, 23:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - The Key to Entering God's Presence, Part 1
Benny Hinn - The Key to Entering God's Presence, Part 1
22-11-2021, 09:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Benny Hinn - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
23-11-2021, 11:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Jesus Knows You
Benny Hinn - Jesus Knows You
18-11-2021, 19:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Anointing Changes Everything
Benny Hinn - Anointing Changes Everything
15-11-2021, 10:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Miracles Can Happen at Any Time
Benny Hinn - Miracles Can Happen at Any Time
19-11-2021, 11:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - The Key to Entering God's Presence, Part 2
Benny Hinn - The Key to Entering God's Presence, Part 2
22-11-2021, 09:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - The Authority of God's Word
Benny Hinn - The Authority of God's Word
21-11-2021, 08:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - 48 Hours in the Life of Jesus, Part 2
Benny Hinn - 48 Hours in the Life of Jesus, Part 2
15-11-2021, 07:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Your Sickness Disappears When You See Jesus
Benny Hinn - Your Sickness Disappears When You See Jesus
24-11-2021, 12:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Our Hiding Place is in God
Benny Hinn - Our Hiding Place is in God
19-11-2021, 22:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - The Fire of the Holy Spirit
Benny Hinn - The Fire of the Holy Spirit
21-11-2021, 12:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Miracles Happen
Benny Hinn - Miracles Happen
19-11-2021, 16:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Something About Name of Jesus
Benny Hinn - Something About Name of Jesus
20-11-2021, 11:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - When the Spirit and Word Come Together
Benny Hinn - When the Spirit and Word Come Together
24-11-2021, 08:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - The Presence of The Lord, Part 1
Benny Hinn - The Presence of The Lord, Part 1
22-11-2021, 11:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Nothing Is Impossible With God
Benny Hinn - Nothing Is Impossible With God
19-11-2021, 19:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Jesus Will Never Say No to Us
Benny Hinn - Jesus Will Never Say No to Us
18-11-2021, 22:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - The Power of God in Brazil
Benny Hinn - The Power of God in Brazil
1-11-2021, 17:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - This Is Your Day for a Miracle
Benny Hinn - This Is Your Day for a Miracle
23-11-2021, 09:30, Benny Hinn