It doesn't get any more exciting than this book that we've got sitting in front of us. This is fun. This is a blast. This is brilliance of God on the sacred page. This is not just dead ink. This is living words and it comes to life off that page in the Holy Spirit and it jumps in your bones and we are different over it.
If you find a person that truly does feast their soul on what is representative to us of the grain and the oil and the wine, I promise you that is a person that you are drawn toward. That is a person that is magnetic. That is a person you are taking notice of, because something about their life seems to be working. If that plate has got all three of those components on it, if that combination plate has all three of those things, and they're feasting their soul, I'm telling you, you would want what they have.
Beth Moore - Feast the Soul - Part 1
29-11-2022, 07:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Feast the Soul - Part 3
29-11-2022, 08:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Feast the Soul - Part 4
29-11-2022, 08:30, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Taking Happy Back - Part 5
22-04-2021, 22:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - The Art of Growing Up - Part 4
28-11-2022, 08:30, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - My Feet Almost Slipped - Part 1
12-11-2022, 06:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Taking Root In The Family Tree - Part 3