In Mark 9:1, Jesus declares that some will witness the Kingdom of God come with power. Six days later, on a high mountain, Peter, James, and John see Jesus transfigured, His clothes shining brilliantly. This divine moment, where God the Father declares, "This is my beloved Son, hear Him," reveals the Father's glory and His power made manifest through Jesus. Embrace the brilliance of the Father’s presence in your life as you hear from Pastor Bill Johnson. Be reminded of allowing God's transformative power to shine through your daily decisions.
Bill Johnson - Our Divine Purpose
19-04-2024, 10:00, Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - Revealing The Father
27-12-2021, 00:00, Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - Testimonies 2.0
7-01-2025, 18:30, Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - The Power of Priorities
7-01-2025, 11:00, Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - God's Goodness In Jesus Christ
9-12-2021, 01:00, Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - Worship And The Presence
3-11-2021, 01:00, Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - Being Transfigured
5-10-2021, 01:00, Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - Father's Day
11-10-2021, 01:00, Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - Jesus, Full Of The Holy Spirit
20-01-2022, 01:00, Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - The Resurrection Manifest
1-01-2022, 00:00, Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - His Resurrection, My Resurrection
14-10-2021, 01:00, Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - Sex And The Body
20-09-2021, 01:00, Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - The Honorable Walk of Authority
7-01-2025, 19:00, Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - Miracle Mandate
18-11-2021, 01:00, Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - Where Do Power and Authority Come From?