Bill Johnson - You Were Born for Connection With God

Bill Johnson

You were born to live in seamless connection with God Himself. It has always been His design and desire to fill you with His glory and co-labor with you to see His Kingdom fill the earth. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson teaches on the priesthood...

Bill Johnson - Who is Your Lord?

Bill Johnson

Who is your Lord? Bill Johnson teaches from Psalm 23 and shares a powerful word on the Lordship of Jesus. It’s one thing for Jesus to be our Savior, it’s another thing for Jesus to be our Lord. Walking with Jesus as our Lord determines the way we...

Bill Johnson - Where Do Power and Authority Come From?

Bill Johnson

Where do power and authority come from? In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson teaches from the Gospels and Jesus’ example of walking in power and authority. As believers, we are called and commissioned to walk in both power and authority....

Bill Johnson - What It Really Means to Wait on God

Bill Johnson

To wait on God is anything but doing nothing. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson teaches the biblical meaning of three words that have been watered down in our culture today: “hope”, “wait”, and “patience”. Waiting on God with hope and patience is...

Bill Johnson - Light Always Dispels Darkness

Bill Johnson

You are the light of the world, you are a city set on a hill. Bill Johnson teaches from Matthew 5 and the significance of the light that God has put in us. Bill also shares a significant personal encounter he had with the Lord as he read Isaiah 60...

Bill Johnson - Knowing God Through Encounter

Bill Johnson

Every miracle you see is an invitation to an ongoing encounter. Jesus never scolded anyone who came to Him for a miracle. Valuing the testimony of what God has done reveals His nature and His heart to do it again, and leads us deeper into knowing...

Bill Johnson - True Biblical Meditation

Bill Johnson

True biblical meditation is somewhat of a missing art that must be restored. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson teaches on and shares the definition of biblical meditation, sharing from Joshua 1 and Psalm 1. Through biblical meditation, God’s Word...

Bill Johnson - To Rest or to Fight?

Bill Johnson

How do you know if you are supposed to fight and contend for a miracle, or rest and trust in God’s promises in the situation you are facing? Bill Johnson teaches from Luke 18 and Matthew 11 on two seemingly contradictory scriptures. There are...

Bill Johnson - The Sanctifying Power of a Thankful Heart

Bill Johnson

Having a thankful heart does more than keep our hearts and minds healthy; being thankful actually sanctifies the very things we are thanking God for. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson teaches on the power of being thankful, and how our relationships...

Bill Johnson - The Purpose of Increase

Bill Johnson

God designed you to be fruitful! In this sermon clip Bill Johnson teaches keys to walking in God’s design, bearing much fruit. “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and...

Bill Johnson - The Key to Emotional Health

Bill Johnson

“Rejoice always” is not a command just for those who feel happy! Bill Johnson teaches that the key to emotional health is to rejoice always. Rejoicing and choosing joy creates a momentum that sets us up for hope for the future, and keeps our heart...

Bill Johnson - The Danger of Being Easily Offended

Bill Johnson

More than ever, we can find reason for offense every day. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson explains the enemy’s strategy in tempting us with offense, and what it does to our hearts. While there is often a legitimate reason for offense, allowing...

Bill Johnson Sermons