In his powerful message, "WORD POWER", Dr. Winston will dive into the supernatural power of the Word of God and how it transforms lives, brings victory, and aligns us with God’s will. Don't miss this life-changing message! Vengeance...
If you're born again, you've got The Blessing on your life. Say, “I've got The Blessing.” What did this blessing do for Abraham? We already saw this in Genesis 13:1–2, “And Abram went up out of Egypt, he, and his wife, and all that he...
You have been chosen. In John 15:16 (GOD'S WORD translation) Jesus says, “You didn't choose me, but I chose you.” Chosen means to be picked out of a group. Don't think it is a coincidence that you are positioned where you are in your...
From the beginning, in the book of Genesis, the Bible tells us that everything was first spiritual before it became physical. All physical things had their origin in the spirit. This physical world is the reflection of the more powerful spiritual...
You are to operate like Jesus operates. You are not subject to the things people are subject to who don't know Jesus, who are not born again. They live only by their physical senses and carnal reasoning, but you are to live like Jesus: in two...
Our spirit, soul, and body are intimately connected and work together. Our spirit is the part of us that communicates with God. We were created to walk in communion with Him at all times....
Let me remind you who you are. You are a member of the royal family of God, the Sovereign over all the universe. You are pictured in His most treasured family portraits. You are a child of the King of all kings, the supreme ruler over heaven and...
God said, “I am Jehovah Rapha! I am the God that heals you!” Even if He uses a surgeon or a nurse or other medical professional, the healer is still God. The Expanded Bible says, “If you worship the LORD your God, I [he] will bless your bread and...
Our days of survival, struggle, toiling, and trying to “make ends meet” are over. Understand, God will allow you to toil if you choose to, but you don't have to. It's your choice! Why? The Lord said, “I call heaven and earth to record this...
God will bring judgment upon your adversaries and in so doing He will punish and penalize them for what they have put you through. He will force them to compensate you for the damages that they caused you. Again, “Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will...
The anointing that was on Jesus is the same anointing that came upon you and me when we received salvation and were baptized in the Holy Ghost. Isaiah, chapter 10, reads, “And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away...
As a born-again believer, you have been redeemed from poverty. You are no longer limited to the economic and cultural problems of this world system, because you are operating in the New Economy of the Kingdom of God that cannot fail. In this...