Bill Winston - Divine Favor Is for Everyone

The gift of divine favor is for everyone. God is no respecter of His children. You can fight this truth if you want to, and God will have to leave you right where you are. God’s people have been hurting. Working two and three jobs just to make ends meet. A man once told me that he was working five jobs and as a result he lost his wife. I am here to tell you right now that God has a better way for you.
Bill Winston - The Blessing Gives You Divine Favor
Bill Winston - The Blessing Gives You Divine Favor
6-01-2025, 13:00, Bill Winston
Sid Roth - They Lost Their Kids, Jobs and Home. Then This Happens
Sid Roth - They Lost Their Kids, Jobs and Home. Then This Happens
24-12-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Bill Johnson - Recognizing Divine Favor
Bill Johnson - Recognizing Divine Favor
24-02-2022, 01:00, Bill Johnson
Bill Winston - The Law of Favor - Part 1
Bill Winston - The Law of Favor - Part 1
20-07-2021, 02:25, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - The Law of Favor - Part 2
Bill Winston - The Law of Favor - Part 2
20-07-2021, 02:25, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Abundant Grace is God's Unmerited Favor
Bill Winston - Abundant Grace is God's Unmerited Favor
8-01-2023, 04:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Expect Favor When You Praise God
Bill Winston - Expect Favor When You Praise God
5-01-2025, 18:00, Bill Winston
Jerry Savelle - Walking In Divine Favor - Part 2
Jerry Savelle - Walking In Divine Favor - Part 2
10-03-2023, 15:00, Jerry Savelle
Jerry Savelle - Walking In Divine Favor - Part 4
Jerry Savelle - Walking In Divine Favor - Part 4
12-03-2023, 15:00, Jerry Savelle
Bill Winston - God's Purpose for Man
Bill Winston - God's Purpose for Man
6-01-2025, 03:30, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Be Blessed By God's Favor
Bill Winston - Be Blessed By God's Favor
3-01-2025, 20:30, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Favor and God's End-Time Church
Bill Winston - Favor and God's End-Time Church
20-01-2023, 04:00, Bill Winston
Jerry Savelle - Walking In Divine Favor - Part 3
Jerry Savelle - Walking In Divine Favor - Part 3
11-03-2023, 15:00, Jerry Savelle
Jerry Savelle - Walking In Divine Favor - Part 1
Jerry Savelle - Walking In Divine Favor - Part 1
9-03-2023, 15:00, Jerry Savelle
Bill Winston - You Have the Anointing Working in You
Bill Winston - You Have the Anointing Working in You
7-01-2025, 02:00, Bill Winston
#232 Joseph Prince - The Key To Soul Prosperity (Highlights)
#232 Joseph Prince - The Key To Soul Prosperity (Highlights)
17-11-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
Bill Winston - Restoring the Years - Part 1
Bill Winston - Restoring the Years - Part 1
6-01-2021, 03:06, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Walking by Faith to Obtain Favor
Bill Winston - Walking by Faith to Obtain Favor
6-01-2025, 17:30, Bill Winston
Bill Johnson - The Importance of Favor and Why You Need It
Bill Johnson - The Importance of Favor and Why You Need It
19-04-2024, 11:00, Bill Johnson
Joel Osteen - Expecting A Favor-Filled Future
Joel Osteen - Expecting A Favor-Filled Future
6-11-2022, 15:00, Joel Osteen
Bill Winston - Fight the Good Fight of Faith
Bill Winston - Fight the Good Fight of Faith
21-01-2023, 04:00, Bill Winston
Bill Johnson - Divine Health Is Your Inheritance
Bill Johnson - Divine Health Is Your Inheritance
19-04-2024, 16:00, Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - Our Divine Purpose
Bill Johnson - Our Divine Purpose
19-04-2024, 10:00, Bill Johnson
Joel Osteen - Living Favor Minded
Joel Osteen - Living Favor Minded
16-11-2020, 16:00, Joel Osteen