Everyone in the world was once in the category of disobedient people under the control of demon spirits. However, by grace, God has “raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”
Bill Winston - Revelation of Royalty
9-02-2021, 22:00, Bill Winston
Amir Tsarfati - Alive Again
6-11-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Bill Winston - Who's Got Your Soul?
6-01-2025, 22:30, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Jesus Came to Destroy the Works of the Devil
6-01-2025, 04:30, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Place a Demand on Your Potential
7-02-2023, 04:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - The Devil Can't Separate You from The Blessing
6-01-2025, 13:30, Bill Winston
Kenneth Copeland - Raised, Seated and Reigning
22-10-2023, 00:00, Kenneth Copeland
Bill Winston - We've Been Made Like God
6-01-2025, 19:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - God's Plan Is a Mystery
6-01-2025, 03:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Faith in the Name, the Blood, and the Word of God
19-01-2023, 04:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Don't Believe the Lie
5-01-2025, 17:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Seeing and Decreeing
6-01-2025, 12:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - These Signs Shall Follow You
22-02-2023, 04:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Taking the Kingdom of God by Force
15-02-2023, 04:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - God Made Us to Be Kings and Priests
28-01-2023, 04:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Awakening Your Potential
26-02-2021, 17:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Living on Top of the World - Part 4