Our job is to believe that He would do His job. And sometimes what we do is go and try to do it ourselves. Now what we got to do is come back to trusting in the Lord with all of our heart. It's got to be one source, it's got to be Him. You got to eliminate all other sources. Because as long as in your heart, they are part of your source, this doesn't work. "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you. Behold, I send an angel before you, to keep you in the way and bring you into the place which I prepared".
These angels, now they're about to start in your life on a level that you've never had their activity before. Make sure you say what God says. So if I have somebody's Bible and this Bible I put up to my microphone, listen at it, let's see what it says. Boy, it don't say nothing does it? So who gives voice to it? I do. You are the one that gives voice to His word. Now angels are on the move. We're going to take this thing to another level. Let me tell you the God that you are in partnership with as an awesome God.