Charles Stanley - When Faith Gives Way to Fear

Charles Stanley

Even when we’re led astray by fears and temptations, God knows how to get us back on track. Dr. Stanley examines a time when Abraham lost sight of God’s promise and took things into his own hands. From this story, we can learn why trusting God is...

Charles Stanley - The Price of Prayerlessness

Charles Stanley

Dr. Stanley explains that we cannot afford to skip prayer. If Jesus made prayer a central priority during His earthly life, we as His followers must do the same. Learn to follow Jesus Christ's example and watch Him transform your heaviness into...

Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Love

Charles Stanley

Love isn't just an emotion. Love is power. Dr. Stanley uses the parable of the prodigal son to explain how God’s love empowers believers. Learn to love others the way the Father loves you....

Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Courage

Charles Stanley

What do you fear most in life? Is it the loss of financial security; the loss of your health; rejection? God never intended for us to live in fear. Instead, believers are to have a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. Don't let the poison...

Charles Stanley - The Danger of Anger

Charles Stanley

Most people believe they have a right to feel bitter until their situations improve. But our heavenly Father wants us to enjoy peace and joy, regardless of our circumstances. Dr. Stanley discusses how to manage your anger God's way after...

Charles Stanley - The Confidence to Face the Unknown

Charles Stanley

Some people respond to these unknowns with confidence and assurance, yet many respond with fear and anxiety. Dr. Stanley uses the life of Moses to show how we can face life with confidence and assurance. No matter what we face, we have no reason to...

Charles Stanley - The Blame Game

Charles Stanley

Many times throughout the Bible, people blamed each other for negative outcomes. Find out the dangers of blaming others and that the best way is to accept responsibility for our own actions....

Charles Stanley - Stages of Our Christian Life

Charles Stanley

You can't grab a yardstick to see how much you've grown in the Lord, but there are spiritual markers that help you see where you've been and where God is taking you. Discover how the Christian life is a process, not an event. You...

Charles Stanley - Seeking God's Guidance

Charles Stanley

How do you make the most important decisions of your life? Is it different than how you approach the mundane ones? How does Jesus figure into your process? In this message, Dr. Stanley explains that including God in all your decisions is extremely...

Charles Stanley - Is Salvation Enough?

Charles Stanley

Salvation does not guarantee one will live a godly life. Dr. Stanley dismantles the false beliefs of many Christians and clarifies the meaning of the claim "Jesus is Lord." Gain a deeper understanding of why God desires more than just our...

Charles Stanley Sermons Online