Charles Stanley - Godly Meditation on Courage

Biblical meditation is characterized by a thorough and thoughtful consideration of what God is saying to us. Our meditations with Him deepen our devotional life and our fellowship with Him. But sometimes He may call us to do more than listen and learn. It is then that we need His courage to act.

The most important activity in a believer’s life is personal, private meditation on God and His Word. And sometimes meditation involves thinking deeply about a single verse and seeking to understand what God says He will do and how He desires for us to respond, in light of who He is and what He has promised. Joshua 1:9 is just such a verse because it tells us to be strong and courageous in our obedience to the Lord.

When the people of Israel arrived at the border of the land God had promised them, He spoke to Joshua to encourage him and the people. Forty years earlier, the previous generation of Israelites had stood opposite the land but refused to enter because they were afraid. As a result of their disobedience to God’s command, they forfeited the Promised Land and wandered in the wilderness for 40 years until they all died. Now their sons were given the same command, and they needed strength and courage to conquer Canaan and receive all that God promised them.
Charles Stanley - Distracted from Godly Meditation
Charles Stanley - Distracted from Godly Meditation
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Bill Johnson - True Biblical Meditation
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Charles Stanley - Guidance Through Godly Meditation
Charles Stanley - Guidance Through Godly Meditation
18-03-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Power of Godly Meditation
Charles Stanley - The Power of Godly Meditation
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Charles Stanley - Faith That Wavers
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Charles Stanley - Requirements for Effective Meditation
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18-05-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
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#200 Joseph Prince - Meditation On God’s Word, The Key To True Prosperity
17-10-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
Bill Winston - Meditation Is a Spiritual Law
Bill Winston - Meditation Is a Spiritual Law
6-01-2025, 06:30, Bill Winston
Charles Stanley - A Call For Courage
Charles Stanley - A Call For Courage
7-10-2020, 15:17, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - A Collapse Of Courage
Charles Stanley - A Collapse Of Courage
10-10-2020, 00:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - A Formula For Courage
Charles Stanley - A Formula For Courage
14-10-2020, 00:00, Charles Stanley
Bill Winston - Meditation is Not an Option
Bill Winston - Meditation is Not an Option
6-01-2025, 07:00, Bill Winston
Robert Morris - The Miracle of Meditation
Robert Morris - The Miracle of Meditation
20-01-2021, 09:27, Robert Morris
Bill Winston - Four Keys to Successful Biblical Meditation
Bill Winston - Four Keys to Successful Biblical Meditation
5-01-2025, 21:30, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Restoration By Meditation
Bill Winston - Restoration By Meditation
11-12-2022, 04:00, Bill Winston
Andrew Wommack - Meditation, Episode 1
Andrew Wommack - Meditation, Episode 1
31-07-2021, 08:00, Andrew Wommack
Andrew Wommack - Meditation, Episode 2
Andrew Wommack - Meditation, Episode 2
31-07-2021, 09:00, Andrew Wommack
Andrew Wommack - Meditation, Episode 3
Andrew Wommack - Meditation, Episode 3
31-07-2021, 10:00, Andrew Wommack
Andrew Wommack - Meditation, Episode 4
Andrew Wommack - Meditation, Episode 4
31-07-2021, 11:00, Andrew Wommack
Andrew Wommack - Meditation, Episode 5
Andrew Wommack - Meditation, Episode 5
31-07-2021, 12:00, Andrew Wommack
Bill Winston - The Mystery of Meditation - Part 1
Bill Winston - The Mystery of Meditation - Part 1
4-09-2021, 19:59, Bill Winston
Charles Stanley - The Seven Habits of a Godly Life
Charles Stanley - The Seven Habits of a Godly Life
21-07-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Living By God's Guidance
Charles Stanley - Living By God's Guidance
13-04-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Courage to Obey
Charles Stanley - The Courage to Obey
8-03-2025, 01:00, Charles Stanley