Charles Stanley - How to Be Sure of God's Will

Every day of our lives is to be lived for God’s purpose, according to His plan, and in obedience to His desires. But how can we be certain we are walking in His will, especially in times of difficulty, suffering, or pain?

Each day is filled with decisions, and every choice is an opportunity to ask the Lord what He would have us do. In this message, Dr. Stanley shares principles from Scripture to help us evaluate our circumstances and decisions through the lens of God’s will.

God assures us that whatever we experience, even our difficulties, can be redeemed for our ultimate good. We can know His will even in times of heartache and hardship, and we can thank Him for His empowering presence and unwavering love.

If someone asked you what Christians mean when they speak of the will of God, what would you say? Although it may seem like a strange concept to the unsaved, believers need to understand exactly what this term means. The will of God refers to His purpose, plan, and desire for our lives.

Christians should have the same attitude that is described in Psalm 40:8, “I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart.” Yet people sit in churches every week without giving any thought to God’s will for their lives. Therefore, they have no idea what He wants to accomplish in and through them.

Every day of our lives is to be lived for God’s purpose, according to His plan, and in obedience to His desires. But how can we be sure we are walking in His will, especially in times of difficulty, suffering, or pain? Although trials may seem contrary to God’s will, He assures us that whatever He allows is designed for our good—even the heartaches and hardships.
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