Charles Stanley - How To Stay Young And Useful All Your Life

Look on Dr. Stanley’s desk and you’ll find a sticky note that says, “You’re young and useful at any age, if you’re still planning for tomorrow.” It’s a principle that’s guided him through decades of productive service. Learn several other key principles to living a life marked by vitality and fruitfulness. Regardless of your age, it’s never too late to start trusting God and growing young.

Aging is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to make us unfruitful and useless. The secret to living a productive life is not found in a pill, a drink, or an exercise routine but in heeding what the Lord says. None of us know how long we’ll live, but while we have breath, we should desire to be useful and fruitful for God. He is the one who ultimately determines the number of our days, but we have the responsibility of doing what we can to live long and productive lives.
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