Charles Stanley - Victory Over Rejection

Many people live in bondage to feelings of rejection and don't even realize it. It causes us to believe lies about ourselves and project hurtful emotions on others. It also undermines our relationships with God. Thankfully, as believers, God gives us a sense of belonging, worthiness, and competence. Learn to believe in the truth about God's love and rest in the peace of His acceptance.

In today's message, Dr. Stanley describes the nature of rejection and shares a number of characteristics of a person who feels rejected. Perhaps we have a physical defect, emotional hurts, or hurtful childhood experiences. But thankfully, as believers, God gives us a sense of belonging, worthiness, and competence. Learn to believe in the truth about God's love and rest in the peace of His acceptance.
Charles Stanley - Peace With Ourselves
Charles Stanley - Peace With Ourselves
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Joyce Meyer - Rejecting Rejection
Joyce Meyer - Rejecting Rejection
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Charles Stanley - The Unconditional Love of God
Charles Stanley - The Unconditional Love of God
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Charles Stanley - Peace With One Another
Charles Stanley - Peace With One Another
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Craig Groeschel - I Deserve Rejection
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Charles Stanley - Why We Lose Our Peace
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Charles Stanley - Overcoming Loneliness
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Charles Stanley - Peace On Earth
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TD Jakes - Rejoicing In Rejection
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Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Courage
Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Courage
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Charles Stanley - When We Feel Inferior
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2-04-2024, 09:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Source of Peace
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Charles Stanley - Our Peace, God's Will
Charles Stanley - Our Peace, God's Will
7-03-2025, 15:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Your Personal Convictions
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Joel Osteen - Living At Rest
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Charles Stanley - Expressing Patience
Charles Stanley - Expressing Patience
9-05-2022, 11:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Truth That Sets Us Free
Charles Stanley - The Truth That Sets Us Free
27-07-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Joyce Meyer - Defying a Culture of Rejection - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Defying a Culture of Rejection - Part 2
3-03-2025, 12:00, Joyce Meyer
Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Love
Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Love
3-04-2024, 04:00, Charles Stanley
Steven Furtick - Rejection Is Redirection
Steven Furtick - Rejection Is Redirection
21-08-2021, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Charles Stanley - Living In The Shadows Of Loneliness
Charles Stanley - Living In The Shadows Of Loneliness
14-04-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
TD Jakes - S.T.R.A.P. (Surviving the Trauma of Rejection and Abandonment Plan)
TD Jakes - S.T.R.A.P. (Surviving the Trauma of Rejection and Abandonment Plan)
17-03-2023, 06:00, TD Jakes
Charles Stanley - How to Protect Our Peace
Charles Stanley - How to Protect Our Peace
7-03-2025, 07:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Peace With Yourself
Charles Stanley - Peace With Yourself
10-05-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley