Charles Stanley - Walking In The Favor Of God - Part 1
According to Genesis 6:5-8, the ancient world was so filled with wickedness and evil that God was grieved and sorry He had made mankind. Therefore, He decided to blot out every living creature on earth. But in the midst of all the corruption, Noah “found favor in the eyes of the Lord” and was rescued from the destruction of the flood (v. 8). Our world today is also filled with sin and corruption, and as Christians, we are called to walk as Noah did—in the favor of God. The favor of God is expressed by His approval, acceptance, support, provision, power, and joy. This is what He showed to Noah and to Mary, the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:28), and it’s also what He has manifested to everyone who has been saved by Jesus Christ.
God’s favor was poured out on us at salvation when our sins were forgiven, and it is further displayed by the indwelling presence of His Holy Spirit who seals us as His children. His favor is a fact, but it’s also something we can experience on a daily basis as we walk in it.
After salvation, we should see the evidence of God’s favor working in our conversation, character, and conduct as we walk in the fullness of His Spirit. Our lifestyles and habits should indicate to those around us that we have the favor of God. Instead of fretting over the circumstances in our lives, we can have confidence in His presence with us and His faithfulness in answering our prayers.
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