Fact: The Bible talks more about money than heaven or hell. In an age where debt and greed are the norm, it’s essential that believers know what God says about finances. Reject the world’s selfish viewpoint on money and instead embrace God’s commands to tithe faithfully and live generously.
Money is on almost everyone’s mind today. We wonder whether we’ll have enough to make ends meet each week, to pay for our children’s education, to support our retirement, or to get out of debt. There’s nothing wrong or evil about having or using money. Where we sometimes go astray is in how we use it or why it’s so important to us. Since handling money is a necessary and important part of life, we need to develop a personal conviction about it, based on God’s Word. Only then can we live wisely and please Him in all our ways.
The Lord often speaks about money in Scripture. In fact, there are more verses about this subject than there are about prayer or heaven and hell. Over half of Jesus’ parables dealt with financial situations. We’ll never go wrong by heeding Scripture’s instructions because it’s our best guide for personal financial management.
The World’s Viewpoint About Money The key word that describes the world’s perspective is accumulation. It’s all about receiving. The goal is to get as much as we can and keep as much as possible for the future. The primary focus is self-interest—personal desires, needs, pleasures, and security. And once a sufficient amount is obtained and kept, the next task is to protect it. This world view promises happiness and financial security for those who accumulate an abundance, but these are empty promises. Some of the richest people in the world are the most miserable, and there is no guarantee that their wealth won’t be lost tomorrow.
God’s Viewpoint About Money. What we believe always influences how we handle money. That’s why it’s important to let our convictions be shaped by what the Lord says.
Charles Stanley - God and Our Money
7-03-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Rick Warren - God and Money
23-02-2025, 16:00, Rick Warren
Rick Warren - How to Think About Money
23-02-2025, 17:00, Rick Warren
Jeff Schreve - You and Your Money
11-02-2022, 03:14, Jeff Schreve
Andy Stanley - Money Matters
4-05-2022, 03:00, Andy Stanley
Robert Jeffress - What Parents Wish Their Children Knew About Money
17-06-2021, 19:00, Robert Jeffress
Jonathan Bernis - Money and Wealth in the New Millennium
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jack Hibbs - Our Biblical Worldview And Money
24-11-2022, 17:00, Jack Hibbs
Craig Groeschel - Money is the Root of All Evil
2-07-2022, 13:00, Craig Groeschel
Andy Stanley - Meaningful Money
7-12-2020, 23:00, Andy Stanley
Robert Morris - The Ten Financial Commandments
19-10-2021, 00:00, Robert Morris
Joyce Meyer - Becoming Debt Free
20-01-2021, 22:00, Joyce Meyer
Sid Roth - Money Multiplies When She Prays
25-02-2025, 17:00, Sid Roth
Rick Warren - A Faith That Handles Wealth Wisely
4-03-2022, 03:00, Rick Warren
Robert Jeffress - Why Money Matters?
19-08-2021, 03:00, Robert Jeffress
Rick Warren - Transforming How I See and Use Money
2-11-2021, 06:00, Rick Warren
Rick Renner - Right and Wrong Dealings With Money
11-04-2022, 01:21, Rick Renner
Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Money
9-06-2022, 17:00, Robert Jeffress
Rick Renner - Economic Status and Money
11-04-2022, 01:20, Rick Renner
Creflo Dollar - The Spirit of Mammon - Part 1
6-02-2023, 16:00, Creflo Dollar
#697 - Joseph Prince - Prosperity With A Purpose - Part 3