Charles Stanley - Your Convictions About The Judgment Of The Believer

Judgment—it’s a heavy word that inspires anxiety, dread, and possibly despair. But for the believer, it doesn’t have to be that way. In this message, Dr. Stanley explains that judgment for Christians isn’t something we have to be afraid of. Yes, we will be held accountable for our lives, but God’s desire is to reward His children, not punish them. Learn how to live in such a way that one day you’ll hear the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

To whom are you accountable? Naturally, we think of our relationships—husbands and wives are accountable to each other and children to parents or guardians. However, some people act as if they answer to no one. But that is a dangerous direction to take because accountability is a safeguard to keep us on the right path. Ultimately, we are all accountable to the Lord God and His Word and will one day stand before Him to be judged.

We are either going to be rewarded or lose reward in this judgment. Knowing what’s at stake eternally should motivate us to live a life that’s obedient and pleasing to God because we will be rewarded according to the way we have lived. His judgment will be righteous and just, but we need not fear condemnation because Christ saved us from the penalty of sin. Nor will there be any comparisons between us, but each person will be responsible for what God has uniquely given him or her. Therefore, we must give serious thought to our future judgment and choose each day to live for God’s glory so we will not suffer regret when we stand before Him.
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