Creflo Dollar - What Are The Conditions of a Worthy Walk - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

The Holy Spirit is going to administrate. Now, under the law, rules administrated. Rules administrated the Ten Commandments. But under grace, the very same Ten Commandments can be administered by the Holy Spirit. See, under the law he says,...

Creflo Dollar - What Are The Conditions of a Worthy Walk - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

How do you respond in the natural when there's somebody in your life and they just keep giving to you, they keep loving you, they love you in spite of yourself, they just never leave. They're there, they just keep doing that. And then one...

Creflo Dollar - Walking In The Light

Creflo Dollar

You are getting better and you are growing and your state is catching up with your stance every day of your life because of the Holy Spirit. He's taken desires away from you that you used to have. You are on a journey and you are being...

Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Sinful Behavior - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

You gotta understand now. The key is, what are we gonna do about this software, our soul, our mind, our will, and our emotions that have gotten so used to the dictates of the old nature? If we don't do nothing with this, even though we are now...

Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Sinful Behavior - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

And the only capacity for the devil to get a hold of you is through your soul because it has a bit of advantage because when your old nature was there, it created the software in your soul and the impulses of your soul minister to your body to carry...

Creflo Dollar - The Truth About God's Ways - Part 3

Creflo Dollar

How is it that we spend so much time with Satan, sin and the flesh and so little time with the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the blood and the grace and the mercy of God? Whatever you focus on the most, that's what you're gonna see in...

Creflo Dollar - The Truth About God's Ways - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

Your list ain't gonna help you at the gate. You better not take it; it could be responsible for kicking you out because you're showing that you're self-righteous instead of Jesus-righteous. I'm not going to the gate of Heaven...

Creflo Dollar - The Truth About God's Ways - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

In general, man clings to the idea that benefits always come because of good conduct. So we, man believes that this great thing that happened in my life happened because I was good....

Creflo Dollar - The Triumphal Entry

Creflo Dollar

Because of sin there was enmity between man and God and there needed, somehow, to be a reconciling of that. And so, Jesus says that this just didn't happen for free. Somebody's got to pay for this to happen. If we're going to have the...

Creflo Dollar - The Supernatural Power of Sonship - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

We are not children of the natural. Oh, no, no, no, we don't do that no more, we're not depending on what we can do in the natural, we are children of the supernatural, we depend on God, we trust God to do some stuff....

Creflo Dollar - The Supernatural Power of Sonship - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

You're not servants of God. In Christ, you're not a servant no more. Under the law, you were servants. With Moses, you were servants. But the Bible says you are no longer under the law; you're under grace, which means you're no...

Creflo Dollar - The Result of Rejecting Grace

Creflo Dollar

And so what we need to understand is when we're talking about, do you believe, that the real question is, do you believe receive, depend, trust, rely on, lean on? All of those go together to try to help you to see if you're just talking,...

Creflo Dollar Sermons