It is not enough to recognize and bemoan the abundance of needs in the world. It is only enough when we see a need that God has shown us and we act to help meet that need as best we can. Only then have we fulfilled the dual commands of Scripture to love God and our neighbor. In this message we discover the true meaning of compassion. Covers Luke 10:25-32 plus selected Scriptures.
David Jeremiah - A Life of Love
17-10-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Staying in Love for Life
25-07-2021, 17:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - A Life of Joy
16-10-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - A Life of Integrity
15-10-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
Jonathan Bernis - The Power of Compassion
17-01-2025, 11:00, Jonathan Bernis
David Jeremiah - A Life of Peace
18-10-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - A Life of Self-Discipline
19-10-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Before It's Too Late
24-10-2020, 04:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - A Life of Endurance
12-10-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - A Life of Generosity
13-10-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Deity: The Fear Of God
6-11-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - A God-Inspired Life
9-10-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Disapproval: The Fear of Rejection
8-11-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - A Look Into Heaven
20-10-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - A Life of Humility
14-10-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Disaster: The Fear of Natural Calamity
9-11-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
Craig Groeschel - Compassion
20-05-2022, 13:00, Craig Groeschel
David Jeremiah - Disconnection: The Fear of Being Alone
10-11-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Defeat: The Fear of Failure
5-11-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - The Great Deceiver Who Seeks to Destroy
21-08-2021, 17:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - God Carved His Love in Stone
2-03-2021, 17:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - What Is the Greatest Commandment?
29-03-2021, 17:20, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Danger: The Fear of Sudden Trouble
1-11-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
Jonathan Bernis - Does God Care About Your Circumstances?