David Jeremiah - Eight Spirtual Blessings

David Jeremiah

So when you're having that moment of concern and maybe sometimes it's a little bit of self-pity too, and you wonder, "Does anybody accept me? Do I belong to anybody? Does anybody care"? Let me ask you to go back and read this...

David Jeremiah - Keep the Faith (Interview)

David Jeremiah

We don't get to choose the things that happen to us, we do get to choose how we respond to the things that happened to us, and that's a lesson that gets seared into your soul when you go through something like this. When life isn't so...

David Jeremiah - The Seven Signs of Easter

David Jeremiah

What are the signs that Easter has arrived? A song of praise, a pascal greeting, our Sunday best, symbols of rebirth, blessing and resurrection, a quiet reflection, soul-filling gratitude, and the joy of the morning. As we join with family and the...

David Jeremiah - God Will Give You Peace!

David Jeremiah

How do I know if the Holy Spirit's working at peace in my life? When I have some moments when everything should be coming unglued and I just feel this little sense in my heart, "I'm gonna be okay. God is with me. I'm gonna make...

David Jeremiah - God Hears Your Prayers!

David Jeremiah

It's always too soon to quit, you guys. Don't quit just because it looks discouraging. "Oh, he won't even listen to us. He doesn't want anything to do with us". Just keep praying, keep knocking on the door, keep...

David Jeremiah - God Is in Control!

David Jeremiah

And when God gets involved in our lives, he takes the good and the bad, the mistakes, and all of the things we do right, and in his sovereign he mixes it all together, and he puts it together in his plan and according to the Scripture, he makes all...

David Jeremiah - God Has Not Forsaken You!

David Jeremiah

He's been faithful to us even in times when we forgot who he was, and we weren't faithful to him. He's been faithful to us when we didn't go to church and when we didn't name the name of the Lord, but because we are his...

David Jeremiah - God Walks With You Through Trials!

David Jeremiah

We can never allow our adversity to define who we are. We are who we are. Adversity is just a footnote in our life journey....

David Jeremiah - Shock and Awe

David Jeremiah

All of the saints who have gone to heaven, everybody who's converted, coming back, dressed in white, accompanied by all of his holy angels, I don't know how many angels there are, but there are thousands times ten thousands. You talk about...

David Jeremiah - Salvation in the Tribulation

David Jeremiah

God is gonna raise up people to himself in numbers so great you can't even put a number on it, and heaven will be populated with men and women who have come to Christ during the Tribulation period....

David Jeremiah - Live Like You Were Dying

David Jeremiah

If you realize Jesus is comin' back and you don't wanna be embarrassed when he comes back, live your life in such a way that you'll be proud to meet him when he comes, because you'll be walkin' in the light....

David Jeremiah - Will Children Be Raptured?

David Jeremiah

He's not willing that one of these little ones should perish. And if that's all that I had, I'd build my hope on that alone. The Lord Jesus has compassion for little children and infants, and he's not willing that even one of...

David Jeremiah Sermons