Jack Hibbs - Your Life, On Faith - Part 6

Jack Hibbs

In everything, the book of Hebrews presents Jesus Christ as the all sufficient and eternal priest. In all things Jesus Christ is better than Moses, than Angels, than the law, being centrality of those ministries....

Jack Hibbs - Your Life, On Faith - Part 5

Jack Hibbs

The Bible provides practical wisdom as it addresses complex moral dilemmas with clarity....

Jack Hibbs - Your Life, On Faith - Part 4

Jack Hibbs

The Greatest thing you possess in life is your faith in the LORD God of the Bible. There is an unshakable power of faith that can topple even the mightiest walls....

Jack Hibbs - Your Life, On Faith - Part 3

Jack Hibbs

Decisions determine the trajectory of our lives. As believers, we must live a defiant, galvanized faith that overcomes worldly temptations....

Jack Hibbs - Your Life, On Faith - Part 2

Jack Hibbs

Your Life On Faith will be a life of on-going, systematic, step-by-step, accounts of victories over and against all the evils that you encounter....

Jack Hibbs - Your Life, On Faith - Part 1

Jack Hibbs

Your Life On Faith will in fact be a life (and life-time) of right decision making....

Jack Hibbs - You Don't Have to Make Mistakes

Jack Hibbs

Research says that the average person makes 33,000 to 35,000 decisions per day! As believers, what is the tried and true way to make the best choices as we live out our lives? How can we honor God and walk in His perfect plan when faced with so many...

Jack Hibbs - Work Out Your Own Salvation?

Jack Hibbs

What does it mean when the Bible says to "work out your own salvation"? Does this mean that we have to earn our salvation by works? Everything in the Bible is about context and on today's show, Pastor Jack breaks down and answers a...

Jack Hibbs - Will Backsliders Be Raptured?

Jack Hibbs

If a person is backslidden, will they go up in the rapture or get left behind? Every one of us has either asked this or been asked the question, let's find out what the Bible has to say about this important question....

Jack Hibbs - Why Not Have the Best - Part 2

Jack Hibbs

Why settle for less when you can have the very best? Dive into God's word and discover how His son Jesus is the ultimate high priest, sacrifice, and mediator between God and man....

Jack Hibbs - Why Not Have the Best - Part 1

Jack Hibbs

Why settle for less when you can have the best? From creation to the prophets, the Bible reveals that Jesus is the one true God who came in the flesh to save us....

Jack Hibbs - Why I Stand?

Jack Hibbs

God's word calls us to 'do whatever we do, do it all unto the glory of God,' and that is exactly what our guest on this episode is doing. Meet Jonathan Isaac, an NBA player for the Orlando Magic, author of "Why I Stand", and...

Jack Hibbs Sermons