Assyria, Judah’s greatest enemy, represents the flesh, or Satan, and is ruled by Sennacherib, a title that means “The Great One”. Sennacherib considers himself to be a God, and is greatly feared by Judah. The field commander even mocks the people, with a bribe.
The field commander of the Assyrian army spoke loudly to Judah’s army to make them lose confidence. Even today, people are screaming loudly to intimidate all those around them. But, God speaks in a still small voice when He leads His people.
When our faith starts to waiver, we start to lose hope. But, God intervened on Judah’s behalf because King Hezekiah prayed and laid out Assyria’s threats before Him. Our enemy Satan also wants to destroy our lives. But, when we hand our troubles over to the Lord, He will respond in our lives as He did with King Hezekiah.
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