One of the main things about being the church in "the last days" is recognizing your place by knowing who and what you are. "The church" is the church of the living God, the espoused who is engaged to the Son of God who is coming back to receive us so that we might experience the marriage supper of the lamb. This is the church and it is 100% different than Israel. Let's unpack some of their differences and why it's important to know the distinction between the two.
Jack Hibbs - Living In The Last Days
2-07-2023, 11:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - The Church Of The Last Days
9-07-2023, 11:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - Do I Need To Go To Church?
26-10-2022, 17:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - NEXT, Knowing The God Who Is In The Know
11-03-2023, 11:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - Why There Must Be A Pre-tribulation Rapture Of The Church - Part 2
1-03-2023, 11:30, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - A Letter To The Church In These Last Days - Part 1
2-03-2023, 11:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - Why Is Sex and Sexuality So Important In Marriage?
22-03-2023, 11:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - CHURCH 2.0, The Restart
5-03-2023, 11:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - The State Of The Church
20-03-2023, 11:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - A Letter To The Church In These Last Days - Part 2
2-03-2023, 11:30, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - Just You Wait And See - Part 1
10-03-2023, 11:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - Just You Wait And See - Part 2
10-03-2023, 11:30, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - When God Restores
20-01-2023, 12:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - The Prophetic Church
22-02-2023, 12:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - All Things Considered
19-10-2022, 17:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - Why God Must Judge The Nations?
31-01-2023, 12:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - Wheels Up
16-01-2025, 01:30, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - God's Prophetic Pulpit In The Last Days - Part 1
13-02-2023, 12:00, Jack Hibbs
Carter Conlon - Honoring God In an Impossible Place
10-07-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
David Jeremiah - Fully Engaged With My Church
26-11-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
Jack Hibbs - Just Give Me Jesus - Part 4
20-09-2024, 12:36, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - Israel Betrayed
12-11-2022, 17:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - What Is The Church To Do?
20-04-2023, 11:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - Why There Must Be A Pre-tribulation Rapture Of The Church - Part 1