Joel Osteen - The Promise is Coming (2023)

We're all waiting for something: waiting for a dream to come to pass or waiting for a health to improve, waiting for a child to turn around. When it's taken a long time, and we don't see anything happening, it's easy to get discouraged and think that it's not meant to be. But the scripture says in Hebrews 10:36, "Patient endurance is what you need now. Then you will receive all that God has promised".

When you prayed in faith according to God's will, he put the promise on the schedule. He already set the time to bring it to pass. You may not see any sign of it, nothing looks like it's changing, but God is working behind the scenes. Before the promise is fulfilled you have to pass the discouragement test, where you're waiting and you don't see anything happening.

What you do while you're waiting will determine whether you see the promise. That's why God said, "You need patient endurance". Not just patience, but endurance.

Every time doubt comes, "It's been too long, it's never going to happen", turn it around, "Father, thank you that healing is coming. Thank you that breakthroughs are coming. Thank you that abundance is coming". It's not enough to just pray in faith, that's important, but you have to wait in faith, wait with expectancy. The right attitude is, "God, you did it for them, I know you can do it for me. I know my time is coming. I know what you promised me is already on the schedule". You keep declaring that, keep waiting with expectancy, you're going to see God show out in your life. He's going to do things that are uncommon, unusual, you didn't see it coming. It's the greatness of our God.

The God we serve is the coming one. He's coming with healing, he's coming with favor, he's coming with salvation for your children, he's coming with that dream he put in your heart, he's coming with the spouse he already picked out for you, he's coming with freedom for your loved ones, he's coming with abundance for your family.

Can I encourage you? The coming one is already on the way. The healing is already in route. The abundance is already in motion. That breakthrough is already heading towards you. When you know this it's easy to wait with expectancy, it's easy to believe when you don't see a sign. You know God as not just your Savior, not just as your Creator, but you know him as the coming one.

I'm asking you to wait with expectancy, wait knowing that God heard your request, that he set the promise in motion, that the miracle is already in route.

The coming one is about to show up with blessings, with favor, with opportunity. There are things already in route to you right now that you can't imagine. Now, do your part and keep thanking him for what he promised, keep waiting with expectancy, keep declaring that it's on the way.
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