I wanna talk to you today about Your Place of Blessing. There are specific places where God is designed for you to be blessed, places where he has favor, opportunity, provision waiting for you. You have to be sensitive to what you're feeling on the inside. Listen to what God is saying to you, that still small voice. That's not random, it's not just your idea, that's God leading you into your place of blessing.
And at times we're all going to miss it, leave where we're supposed to stay, or stay where God wants us to leave. The good news is: God's going to send that angel. He's not going to let you miss your place of blessing, he's going to keep whispering to you. You're going to hear that still small voice, that knowing on the inside telling you what to do. Now don't ignore it, be sensitive to what you're feeling.
I've learned: being in the right place is better than getting your way. God knows what's best for you. You may not see it now, but later on you're going to see how God was shutting one door to open a better door. You would have never reached your potential if he had not stopped one place of blessing, and moved you to a different place.
If the door hasn't opened, then shine where you are. That's your place of blessing right now. You may not be seeing any growth, any favor: you're in a time of testing.
God is not only ordering your steps, but he's ordering other people's steps to meet you at your place of blessing. You may not understand it, you're uncomfortable, you had to leave Nazareth so to speak, but your time is coming, you're going to see what God was up to.
When you don't understand it, you have to trust, "God, you know what's best for me, I'm going to follow where you lead. When you open doors, when you push me out, I'm going to take steps of faith with a good attitude. God, when doors don't open, when it feels like I'm stuck, I'm going to keep being faithful where I am". When you have that kind of attitude, God will keep you in your place of blessing.
Don't think your place of blessing has to be something super exciting, super important, where everyone sees you. Many times your place of blessing is being faithful with things that no one pays attention to.
When God tells you to do something don't reason it out, don't ask four friends, don't pray about it 6 months, don't come up with twelve excuses, just do it. Be obedient to what you're hearing in your spirit, God is leading you to your place of blessing.
You have to leave where God was, and go to where God is: the new place of blessing. That's where your provision is waiting for you.
Be sensitive to what he's saying, and be quick to obey. If you do this, I believe and declare: you will live in your place of blessing.
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