Joel Osteen - Keeping The Right Identity

I want to talk to you today about Keeping The Right Identity. We know we're a difference maker, we are well able, but the doors haven't opened, the dream didn't work out, nobody supported us. Now, instead of seeing ourselves as victorious, successful, we let the environment determine our identity. We see ourselves as limited, at a disadvantage, too many disappointments.

If you take on that defeated, not enough mindset, you let lack and struggle become your identity, it will keep you from rising higher. Lack may be all around you, but don't let it get in you.

The real question is: are you letting the environment change you? Are you taking on the identity of what's around you? The enemy would love for you to lose who you really are, to where you see yourself as limited, not attractive, a victim. That wrong identity will keep you from becoming who you were created to be.

You can let it change you, adapt to the environment, water down your dream or you can say, "No, thanks, my environment doesn't dictate my identity. I know who I am: I am blessed, I am valuable, I am strong, I am victorious, I am a child of the Most High God".

When you face difficulties and things that are not fair, the enemy is not just trying to hinder your destiny, he's trying to steal your identity.

Don't take on that defeated identity. That's not who you are. You're a masterpiece. You're made in the image of God. You have royal blood flowing through your veins. God has crowned you with his favor. People don't determine who you are. They don't decide worth and value.

But sometimes we can take on the wrong identity: we let what's happened to us, what someone said, mistakes we've made, how we were raised causes to feel like a victim, not valuable. The good news is: you can get your identity back. You need to shake off all those lies, break all those strongholds, and start seeing yourself how God sees you.

What am I saying? Don't let your environment dictate your identity. Those circumstances don't define you. The enemy knows: if he can steal your identity, convince you that you're not who God says you are, then he can keep you from your destiny. Where you are is not who you are. Don't get bitter over a temporary season. Don't lose your identity over something that's going to change.

Are you letting your environment define who you are? Are your circumstances dictating your identity? You need to go back to who God says you are. Don't let the negative circumstances talk you out of what you know God has spoken over your life.
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