Jonathan Bernis - 40 Days through Revelation - Part 1

The mark of the beast, the 144,000, the identity of the antichrist, Armageddon ….what does it all mean? The book of Revelation has so much symbolism that is can be difficult to understand and oftentimes is misinterpreted. It is the only book in the Bible that promises a special blessing to those who read and obey it. Join Rabbi Jonathan Bernis and end time expert Ron Rhodes, President of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries, as they help us navigate through the book of Revelation and discuss what the future holds.
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Jonathan Bernis - 40 Days through Revelation - Part 2
Jonathan Bernis - 40 Days through Revelation - Part 2
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Jonathan Bernis - 40 Days Through Daniel - Part 2
Jonathan Bernis - 40 Days Through Daniel - Part 2
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Jonathan Bernis - Revelation Decoded
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Jonathan Bernis - Revelation of the Messiah
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Jonathan Bernis - Book of Mysteries
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Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at the Supernatural - Part 2
Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at the Supernatural - Part 2
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Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at the Supernatural - Part 1
Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at the Supernatural - Part 1
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Jonathan Bernis - The Oracle - Part 2
Jonathan Bernis - The Oracle - Part 2
22-02-2022, 00:20, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth - Part 1
Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth - Part 1
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - Biblical Practice of Blessing
Jonathan Bernis - Biblical Practice of Blessing
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Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at the Afterlife - Part 2
Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at the Afterlife - Part 2
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Jonathan Bernis - Last Days Survival
Jonathan Bernis - Last Days Survival
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Jonathan Bernis - A Lasting Peace - Part 3
Jonathan Bernis - A Lasting Peace - Part 3
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Jonathan Bernis - Trumpocalypse
Jonathan Bernis - Trumpocalypse
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Jonathan Bernis - Former PLO Member Connects Last Days Prophecy to Current Events
Jonathan Bernis - Former PLO Member Connects Last Days Prophecy to Current Events
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Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at the Last Days - Part 1
Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at the Last Days - Part 1
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - A Hope and A Future - Part 1
Jonathan Bernis - A Hope and A Future - Part 1
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - The Oracle - Part 1
Jonathan Bernis - The Oracle - Part 1
22-02-2022, 00:20, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at the Last Days - Part 2
Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at the Last Days - Part 2
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - The Book of Mysteries
Jonathan Bernis - The Book of Mysteries
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - The Paradigm - Part 1
Jonathan Bernis - The Paradigm - Part 1
22-02-2022, 00:20, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth - Part 2
Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth - Part 2
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis