Jonathan Bernis - Fasting New Year and New You

Cherie Calbom, a certified nutritionist also known as The Juice Lady, discusses the physical and spiritual healing benefits of regular juicing and prepares a Fat Flush Ambrosia and Carrot Cake smoothie for Jonathan and the audience to sample.
Jonathan Bernis - The Juice Lady's Guide to Fasting
Jonathan Bernis - The Juice Lady's Guide to Fasting
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - Souping is the New Juicing
Jonathan Bernis - Souping is the New Juicing
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - The Juice Lady
Jonathan Bernis - The Juice Lady
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - New Year, New You - Part 2
Jonathan Bernis - New Year, New You - Part 2
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - New Year, New You - Part 3
Jonathan Bernis - New Year, New You - Part 3
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - Miraculous Healing Journey
Jonathan Bernis - Miraculous Healing Journey
17-01-2025, 06:30, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - Angels
Jonathan Bernis - Angels
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - Near Death Experience
Jonathan Bernis - Near Death Experience
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - Healing Prayers Lead to A Miracle
Jonathan Bernis - Healing Prayers Lead to A Miracle
17-01-2025, 23:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - The Coalition - Part 3
Jonathan Bernis - The Coalition - Part 3
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - Possessing Your Healing
Jonathan Bernis - Possessing Your Healing
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - The Profound Impact of the October 7 Attack on Israel One Year Later
Jonathan Bernis - The Profound Impact of the October 7 Attack on Israel One Year Later
17-01-2025, 12:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - Dragon's Prophecy, with Jonathan Cahn
Jonathan Bernis - Dragon's Prophecy, with Jonathan Cahn
16-01-2025, 20:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - The Oracle - Part 2
Jonathan Bernis - The Oracle - Part 2
22-02-2022, 00:20, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - God Saved My Life
Jonathan Bernis - God Saved My Life
16-01-2025, 22:30, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - The Scandal of God
Jonathan Bernis - The Scandal of God
17-01-2025, 14:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - Pesach-Passover
Jonathan Bernis - Pesach-Passover
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - The Paradigm - Part 1
Jonathan Bernis - The Paradigm - Part 1
22-02-2022, 00:20, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - God's Plan for Israel
Jonathan Bernis - God's Plan for Israel
16-01-2025, 23:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - When All Plans Fail - Part 2
Jonathan Bernis - When All Plans Fail - Part 2
22-02-2022, 00:47, Jonathan Bernis
Sid Roth - How To Juice Your Way to Health
Sid Roth - How To Juice Your Way to Health
24-10-2020, 05:00, Sid Roth
Jonathan Bernis - Dateline Jerusalem
Jonathan Bernis - Dateline Jerusalem
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - Divine Encounter with The Holy Spirit
Jonathan Bernis - Divine Encounter with The Holy Spirit
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - God's Day Timer
Jonathan Bernis - God's Day Timer
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis