#337 - Joseph Prince - Experience Unmerited Favor When You Look To Jesus - Part 3
You prosper through the prophesying, through the preaching ministry. When you are sick, what do you do? Listen, and listen to the word of grace. When you are suffering, what do you do? Listen, and listen to the word of grace. You're feeling down, feeling depressed, all right, listen, don't perform your way out of it. Listen your way out of the depression, amen? Those who love best are loved the best, okay? Understand?
If you think God is condemning you, then you'll condemn others. See, always on this, either you feel elated because you felt you kept the law, or you are depressed because you broke it, but your life is always up, down, up, condemn other people, down, don't let people know, up, down, up, down. I here, I here, I, I, I, I. It's not about Christ. "I" is very painful to think about, huh? When you think about Christ, oh, that's why, during worship, people get healed. People are able to receive because they are looking at the one who is altogether lovely.
If he is your righteousness, it behooves you to find out all you can about who he is, all his titles, all that he has. Look into every Scripture and find Jesus there because today Jesus is your new self. Jesus is your identity. Jesus is how God blesses you. It's in your vested interest to see Jesus in all the Scriptures. It's all about Jesus, and that's how Jesus taught the Bible.
#337 - Joseph Prince - Experience Unmerited Favor When You Look To Jesus - Highlights
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