#408 - Joseph Prince - Experience The Life-Giving Way - Part 1

The last, the lost, the least. In fact, these are the heroes and the protagonists of all the parables of Jesus. The object of grace is always the lost son, the lost coin, the lost sheep. They end up getting blessed. The last shall be the first. So the lost, the last, and the least if you have faith as small as a grain of mustard seed. You know, the kingdom of God glorifies the lost, the last, the least, and we are trying to be the first, the greatest, the most.

Don't be afraid to stand tall for Jesus. The Bible is full of stories of people that would not bow to the image of the world, all right, and, yet God never allowed them to burn but to shine for the glory of God, and not one strand of their hair was singed when they were thrown into the fire. God delivered them. I want to tell you that God, the God of Daniel, is your God. Dare to be a Daniel. Stand strong. Dare to stand out, amen. Diamonds are precious because they are rare. They are hard to find.
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#291 - Joseph Prince - Grace Leads To True Repentance - Part 3
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