#495 - Joseph Prince - Turn Your Frustrations Into Breakthroughs - Part 4
You know, we don't want to show our weakness to our friends because we think that they are turned off. We don't want to show our weakness to people around us because we think that, and it's rightly so, you know? Everything in Hollywood is always about putting your best foot forward, right? Everything about the business world is about putting your best foot forward. But in the kingdom of God when you are real, God loves it.
Let me tell you this, don't be ashamed to tell the Lord in your private time, if you have a problem with anxiety or worry, it's always troubling you, tell the Lord, "I'm a very anxious person, Lord, this is who I am. Lord Jesus, transform me in this area. You are my peace. That's why you are my peace. I have no peace of my own, Lord. You are my peace, amen". And you'll be surprised how he transforms you. Are you listening, people? Are you with me so far?
"Lord, change me, Lord, because you are my righteousness. You are my righteous. I have no righteousness of my own, Lord". And God is attracted to that
Listen, even the youths shall faint and be weary. And the young men shall utterly fall. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. "Shall renew their strength" in the Hebrew, exchange their human strength for divine strength. Can I have a good amen?
Jeff Schreve - The Lord of Peace
11-02-2022, 02:53, Jeff Schreve
#550 - Joseph Prince - The Key To Robust Faith - Part 2
10-02-2023, 21:00, Joseph Prince
#656 - Joseph Prince - Answers For A Hurried Life - Part 1
27-05-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#495 - Joseph Prince - Turn Your Frustrations Into Breakthroughs - Part 2
17-12-2022, 21:00, Joseph Prince
Rick Renner - Shoes of Peace
5-02-2022, 18:00, Rick Renner
TD Jakes - Keep the Peace
20-02-2025, 05:00, TD Jakes
#495 - Joseph Prince - Turn Your Frustrations Into Breakthroughs - Part 3
17-12-2022, 22:00, Joseph Prince
#655 - Joseph Prince - Secrets Of The Peace Offering - Part 1
26-05-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#643 - Joseph Prince - Ask Big, Ask Bold - Part 4
14-05-2023, 23:00, Joseph Prince
#655 - Joseph Prince - Secrets Of The Peace Offering - Highlights
26-05-2023, 19:00, Joseph Prince
#655 - Joseph Prince - Secrets Of The Peace Offering - Part 4
26-05-2023, 23:00, Joseph Prince
#608 - Joseph Prince - Strong Encouragement In Times Of Famine - Part 1
9-04-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
Rick Renner - When Your Ways Please The Lord, Even Your Enemies Will Be At Peace With You
23-03-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
#513 - Joseph Prince - God's Healing For Long-Term Conditions - Part 2
4-01-2023, 21:00, Joseph Prince
#495 - Joseph Prince - Turn Your Frustrations Into Breakthroughs - Part 1
17-12-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#647 - Joseph Prince - He Goes Ahead Of You - Part 4
18-05-2023, 23:00, Joseph Prince
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
10-03-2025, 07:00, Joseph Prince
#619 - Joseph Prince - The Secret To Health And Healing Revealed - Part 4
20-04-2023, 23:00, Joseph Prince
#441- Joseph Prince - The Now Message, 'The Lord Our Righteousness' (Live at Lakewood Church) - Part 1
24-10-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
Charles Stanley - The Source of Peace
8-03-2025, 05:00, Charles Stanley
#242 - Joseph Prince - Jesus' Blood Cries Forgiveness, Righteousness And Peace For Us
1-02-2022, 00:19, Joseph Prince
Sid Roth - The Lord Is Your Peace
16-01-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
#635 - Joseph Prince - Prophetic Hope For The Future - Part 1
6-05-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#514 - Joseph Prince - Experience God's Power In Your Weakness - Part 2