#648 - Joseph Prince - His Word Brings Life And Healing - Highlights

As you are studying God's Word, you're actually listening with your inner ear. You're actually listening and even reading. Faith comes by hearing. It's not just hearing audibly from outside. As you are reading, you're also receiving.

Whether it's lack in your life, you know, you need to pay up for some bill that is long standing and you're not able to, that means there's an area of lack, whatever it is, or you are struggling with some symptoms in your body, my friend, spend time in the Word, especially the Word pertaining to these areas. Hallelujah. Saturate yourself with the Word of God. Start hearing sermons, preachings, amen, where the Word of God is being shared, expounded, where the kernel of the wheat is broken up and you see the germ inside, you see the revelation being unfolded to you, because when the Word of God drops into your heart, you will manifest that harvest in your life, and the way you hear it, the measure you give to it, is the measure that you will received. Hallelujah. Aren't you excited to receive God's Word today?
#648 - Joseph Prince - His Word Brings Life And Healing - Part 1
#648 - Joseph Prince - His Word Brings Life And Healing - Part 1
19-05-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#648 - Joseph Prince - His Word Brings Life And Healing - Part 2
#648 - Joseph Prince - His Word Brings Life And Healing - Part 2
19-05-2023, 21:00, Joseph Prince
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#648 - Joseph Prince - His Word Brings Life And Healing - Part 3
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