#664 - Joseph Prince - Where Is Holiness In Grace? - Part 1
God has made the finishing post our starting post. You know, in a race, you know, you start from the starting post and then you go to the finishing post, but actually in Christ, what Christ has done in his death, burial, and resurrection, he's actually brought us all straightaway, even the weakest babe in Christ is brought straightaway to the finishing post. The finishing post is now our starting post.
Once you are born again, you're born righteous. You were once a sinner, but once by grace through faith you are saved, you are righteous in God's eyes.
God sees us complete in Christ, seated in Christ in heavenly places. From there, we proceed to the Earth, amen? We proceed, like, from heaven's perspective, we walk out our completeness, amen. We walk out our position of rest in the way we love our wives, in the way we submit to our husbands, in the way we obey our parents in the Lord. But first of all, we need to know our position in Christ.
We are already so dear to God, dearer we cannot be. We are so near to God, nearer we cannot be. And we need to enjoy this and from this, we step into our family relationships, hallelujah, and reveal with our loved ones from the perspective of heaven who we are.
The more you practice the love of Jesus, you will end up doing, you know, you end up having divine intimacy with him and you'll find yourself following the Lord and also there are other benefits and effects of knowing the Lord's love in the occurrence of that phrase, "the disciple whom Jesus loved". But, friend, we are not the originator. That love comes from him, amen.
#664 - Joseph Prince - Where Is Holiness In Grace? - Highlights
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