#681 - Joseph Prince - Fresh Supply For Today's Needs - Part 3
Don't worry about your life, what you shall eat, what you shall drink, or what you shall wear, for all the Gentiles, the unbelievers seek for these things. Your heavenly Father knows. I love that. "Your heavenly Father knoweth what you need".
Every day has its own trouble. Don't worry about tomorrow. Jesus say, "The grace I give you is only for today". He wants you to live today. A lot of people live tomorrow, today, or they live in the past today.
Friend, every day there's enough grace. Enjoy every day. Don't live in the future. You see our mind going to the future. By the way, on mental health says that people who can live in the present are mentally healthy. Jesus knew that a long time ago. Save your money on research. He knows. Go to him. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He says what? Enough trouble, there's enough trouble. There's no grace. I gave you the grace, right, the manna, the supply for today. I gave you the peace and all that. It's not to be used for tomorrow, worrying about tomorrow. When tomorrow come, the grace will be there.
Joseph Prince - God's Supply For All Your Needs - Part 2
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#681 - Joseph Prince - Fresh Supply For Today's Needs - Part 1
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#422 - Joseph Prince - Receive All That God Is Supplying You Today - Part 4