#219 Joseph Prince - Why Pray If God Is All Knowing?

If God is all-knowing and all-powerful, why does He still want us to tell Him our problems and remind Him about His promises? Surely God isn't ignorant or forgetful, is He?

Get the answers in this heart-warming message by Joseph Prince. Find out how it is God's joy and delight when we talk with Him, especially when we call to remembrance His promises and His Son's finished work. Listen to this message today and take your relationship with God to a whole new level!
#210 Joseph Prince - Rejoice Daily Knowing Your Sins Are Forgiven
#210 Joseph Prince - Rejoice Daily Knowing Your Sins Are Forgiven
26-10-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#500 - Joseph Prince - His Promises Are Yours To Own - Part 1
#500 - Joseph Prince - His Promises Are Yours To Own - Part 1
22-12-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#248 - Joseph Prince - What Is Earnest Prayer To God?
#248 - Joseph Prince - What Is Earnest Prayer To God?
1-02-2022, 00:19, Joseph Prince
#500 - Joseph Prince - His Promises Are Yours To Own - Part 2
#500 - Joseph Prince - His Promises Are Yours To Own - Part 2
22-12-2022, 21:00, Joseph Prince
#213 Joseph Prince - From Need To Fullness - Highlights
#213 Joseph Prince - From Need To Fullness - Highlights
29-10-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#113 Joseph Prince - God's Holiness Is On Your Side
#113 Joseph Prince - God's Holiness Is On Your Side
16-12-2020, 15:00, Joseph Prince
#462 - Joseph Prince - Say Yes To All His Promises - Part 3
#462 - Joseph Prince - Say Yes To All His Promises - Part 3
14-11-2022, 22:00, Joseph Prince
#092 Joseph Prince - Familiarity Vs Intimacy With God
#092 Joseph Prince - Familiarity Vs Intimacy With God
29-10-2020, 15:00, Joseph Prince
#179 Joseph Prince - Wisdom In Having A Hearing Heart
#179 Joseph Prince - Wisdom In Having A Hearing Heart
17-01-2021, 15:00, Joseph Prince
#402 - Joseph Prince - Inherit God's Promises By Faith Not Works - Highlights
#402 - Joseph Prince - Inherit God's Promises By Faith Not Works - Highlights
15-09-2022, 19:00, Joseph Prince
#462 - Joseph Prince - Say Yes To All His Promises - Part 4
#462 - Joseph Prince - Say Yes To All His Promises - Part 4
14-11-2022, 23:00, Joseph Prince
#299 - Joseph Prince - Enjoy Jesus' Supply And Delight His Heart - Part 1
#299 - Joseph Prince - Enjoy Jesus' Supply And Delight His Heart - Part 1
4-06-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#034 Joseph Prince - Tongues: The Key To Prophesying Your Future
#034 Joseph Prince - Tongues: The Key To Prophesying Your Future
15-10-2020, 15:00, Joseph Prince
#128 Joseph Prince - As His Thoughts Are, So Are Yours
#128 Joseph Prince - As His Thoughts Are, So Are Yours
20-12-2020, 15:00, Joseph Prince
#212 Joseph Prince - The Maternal Side Of Our Gracious Father
#212 Joseph Prince - The Maternal Side Of Our Gracious Father
28-10-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#207 Joseph Prince - Jesus' Resurrection - Heaven's Receipt For Your Peace And Joy
#207 Joseph Prince - Jesus' Resurrection - Heaven's Receipt For Your Peace And Joy
23-10-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#042 Joseph Prince - Why The Finished Work Begins In Your Mind
#042 Joseph Prince - Why The Finished Work Begins In Your Mind
19-10-2020, 15:00, Joseph Prince
#238 Joseph Prince - God Has Crowned You With Glory And Honor (Clip)
#238 Joseph Prince - God Has Crowned You With Glory And Honor (Clip)
28-11-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#188 Joseph Prince - The Food That Delights Both God And Man
#188 Joseph Prince - The Food That Delights Both God And Man
29-01-2021, 15:00, Joseph Prince
#462 - Joseph Prince - Say Yes To All His Promises - Part 1
#462 - Joseph Prince - Say Yes To All His Promises - Part 1
14-11-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#391 - Joseph Prince - Inherit All Of God's Promises - Part 3
#391 - Joseph Prince - Inherit All Of God's Promises - Part 3
4-09-2022, 22:00, Joseph Prince
#099 Joseph Prince - The Power Of The Amen
#099 Joseph Prince - The Power Of The Amen
3-11-2020, 15:00, Joseph Prince
#131 Joseph Prince - The Blue Robe And The Perfection Of Jesus' Finished Work
#131 Joseph Prince - The Blue Robe And The Perfection Of Jesus' Finished Work
23-12-2020, 15:00, Joseph Prince
#299 - Joseph Prince - Enjoy Jesus' Supply And Delight His Heart - Part 2
#299 - Joseph Prince - Enjoy Jesus' Supply And Delight His Heart - Part 2
4-06-2022, 21:00, Joseph Prince