#254 - Joseph Prince - How You See Jesus Is How You Will Receive - Part 2
Do you understand? Yahweh is three components of Hebrew words put together that means "I am, I was, and I will be". Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.
God who is, who was, who is to come. Do you understand how this applies to you or not? Jesus can reach out to your past and change it. You don't have to be a victim of your past. I don't care what you were.
God doesn't care about your past. He can change your past. You are not held hostage by your past. Because he is who was, he can go to the was and change what is because of what was, so that what is to come will reflect who he is.
#277 - Joseph Prince - Grace Flows In Your Weaknesses - Part 3
19-02-2022, 16:00, Joseph Prince
Joel Osteen - A No-Stick Anointing
21-10-2020, 16:00, Joel Osteen
Louie Giglio - The Chain of our Past
4-08-2021, 07:00, Louie Giglio
#314 - Joseph Prince - Grace, Your Past Does Not Determine Your Future - Part 1
19-06-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#605 - Joseph Prince - The Power Of Forgiveness Brings Freedom - Part 1
6-04-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
Louie Giglio - The Past is on the Mic
23-10-2021, 07:00, Louie Giglio
Joel Osteen - Let Go Of The Past
8-10-2020, 09:42, Joel Osteen
Craig Groeschel - When Past Hurts Still Hurt
9-01-2025, 07:00, Craig Groeschel
Steven Furtick - You Need to Stop Focusing On The Past
14-02-2025, 13:00, Steven Furtick
#314 - Joseph Prince - Grace, Your Past Does Not Determine Your Future - Part 2
19-06-2022, 21:00, Joseph Prince
Max Lucado - Jacob Vs. His Past
17-05-2022, 04:00, Max Lucado
#386 - Joseph Prince - You Stand Permanently In The Favor Of God - Highlights
30-08-2022, 19:00, Joseph Prince
Rick Renner - The Breastplate of Righteousness
10-02-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
TD Jakes - Getting Past The Silence Of God
5-03-2023, 06:00, TD Jakes
Max Lucado - Making Peace With Your Past
18-01-2021, 04:00, Max Lucado
Bill Winston - Forgetting the Past
24-01-2023, 04:00, Bill Winston
Sid Roth - Freedom from the Pain of Your Past
28-03-2022, 03:25, Sid Roth
TD Jakes - Making Peace With Your Past
17-05-2022, 16:00, TD Jakes
Steven Furtick - Wrestling With Your Past
20-06-2023, 05:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - Don't Let Your Past Define You
5-03-2023, 05:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - What Comes After
7-02-2023, 05:00, Steven Furtick
Rick Warren - Living God's Dream Despite Past Poor Decisions
17-03-2022, 03:00, Rick Warren
Benny Hinn - Your Future is Brighter than Your Past