#256 - Joseph Prince - Heaven's Cure For Earthly Ills

What is the Bible cure for sadness, grief and disappointment? Join Joseph Prince on another exciting Emmaus Road trip where he shows you why unscriptural views can lead to unfulfilled expectations and hence disappointment. Learn how you can overcome such disappointment and find real enjoyment in life when Jesus Himself becomes your pursuit and not just a means to an end. This revelatory message will deliver you from the common ills and doldrums of life as you discover how to make Christ your center, and find the joy of being immersed in Christ alone, heaven's cure for all your earthly ills!
#261 - Joseph Prince - The Secret Of David, A Man After God's Own Heart
#261 - Joseph Prince - The Secret Of David, A Man After God's Own Heart
8-02-2022, 14:00, Joseph Prince
Kenneth Copeland - The Praise Cure
Kenneth Copeland - The Praise Cure
20-09-2021, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
#225 Joseph Prince - Receive Restoration As You Walk With Jesus
#225 Joseph Prince - Receive Restoration As You Walk With Jesus
10-11-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#224 Joseph Prince - Jesus Our True Manna In The Christmas Story
#224 Joseph Prince - Jesus Our True Manna In The Christmas Story
9-11-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#217 Joseph Prince - See Jesus' Beauty When The Veil Is Lifted (FULL)
#217 Joseph Prince - See Jesus' Beauty When The Veil Is Lifted (FULL)
2-11-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#180 Joseph Prince - Without Jesus, You Can Do NOTHING
#180 Joseph Prince - Without Jesus, You Can Do NOTHING
18-01-2021, 15:00, Joseph Prince
#246 - Joseph Prince - Christ's Resurrection, Your Assurance Of Every Blessing (Clip)
#246 - Joseph Prince - Christ's Resurrection, Your Assurance Of Every Blessing (Clip)
1-02-2022, 00:19, Joseph Prince
#553 - Joseph Prince - Inherit God's Best, Don't Settle For Less - Part 1
#553 - Joseph Prince - Inherit God's Best, Don't Settle For Less - Part 1
13-02-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#332 - Joseph Prince - Make Jesus The Center Of Your Life - Part 1
#332 - Joseph Prince - Make Jesus The Center Of Your Life - Part 1
7-07-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
Kenneth Copeland - Meet Joseph, the Earthly Father to Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - Meet Joseph, the Earthly Father to Jesus
20-12-2022, 00:00, Kenneth Copeland
#166 Joseph Prince - The Romance Of Grace: Alive In Christ, Dead To The Law
#166 Joseph Prince - The Romance Of Grace: Alive In Christ, Dead To The Law
10-01-2021, 15:00, Joseph Prince
Jack Hibbs - The Cure For Unbelief - Part 1
Jack Hibbs - The Cure For Unbelief - Part 1
10-07-2023, 11:00, Jack Hibbs
#653 - Joseph Prince - The Significance Of This Generation - Part 1
#653 - Joseph Prince - The Significance Of This Generation - Part 1
24-05-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#128 Joseph Prince - As His Thoughts Are, So Are Yours
#128 Joseph Prince - As His Thoughts Are, So Are Yours
20-12-2020, 15:00, Joseph Prince
TD Jakes - Bad Can't Stop You from Better
TD Jakes - Bad Can't Stop You from Better
25-10-2020, 17:00, TD Jakes
#229 Joseph Prince - Jesus, A Brother Like No Other
#229 Joseph Prince - Jesus, A Brother Like No Other
14-11-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#241 - Joseph Prince - God's Glory Unveiled In The Last Days
#241 - Joseph Prince - God's Glory Unveiled In The Last Days
1-02-2022, 00:19, Joseph Prince
Steven Furtick - How To Handle Disappointment
Steven Furtick - How To Handle Disappointment
10-11-2020, 13:00, Steven Furtick
TD Jakes - A Three Dimensional View
TD Jakes - A Three Dimensional View
25-06-2021, 15:00, TD Jakes
Steven Furtick - It Is What It Is, But It's Not What It Seems
Steven Furtick - It Is What It Is, But It's Not What It Seems
9-11-2021, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Kenneth Copeland - The Cure for Unbelief
Kenneth Copeland - The Cure for Unbelief
23-08-2021, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Joyce Meyer - How To Overcome Disappointment And Discouragement - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - How To Overcome Disappointment And Discouragement - Part 2
27-11-2022, 15:00, Joyce Meyer
TD Jakes - The Shock of Suffering
TD Jakes - The Shock of Suffering
25-08-2021, 15:00, TD Jakes
Jack Hibbs - The Cure For Unbelief - Part 3
Jack Hibbs - The Cure For Unbelief - Part 3
12-07-2023, 11:00, Jack Hibbs