Facing a difficult choice? If so, you’re in good company! In today’s episode, Joyce and the girls talk through a few of their own moments of truth—moments where they had big decisions to make. They also share how God gave each of them the wisdom they needed to choose well, both for their own sake and for the sake of those around them. Take a listen for some tried-and-true advice on making wise decisions!
Joyce Meyer - Facing The Impossible
7-07-2022, 04:00, Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer - Do It Afraid
6-07-2022, 04:00, Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer - Talk It Out Big Moments
11-07-2022, 04:00, Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer - Facing The Impossible
6-10-2020, 21:13, Joyce Meyer
Charles Stanley - Making Wise Decisions
19-04-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Joyce Meyer - Facing Difficult Things
5-09-2021, 19:00, Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer - The Girls Talk Psalm 23
26-07-2022, 04:00, Joyce Meyer
Rick Warren - Making Wise Decisions At Work
22-09-2021, 22:38, Rick Warren
Joyce Meyer - Consider Yourself One of the Confident Girls
25-05-2022, 04:00, Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer - Fight For Girls
1-07-2022, 04:00, Joyce Meyer
Charles Stanley - The Key to Making Wise Decisions