Kenneth Copeland - Carriers of God's Delegated Authority

The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you! Watch Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens on Believer's Voice of Victory as they discuss how you are a carrier of God's delegated authority. Discover how to honor and recharge the power that already lies within you!
Kenneth Copeland - God's Power and Delegated Authority
Kenneth Copeland - God's Power and Delegated Authority
6-07-2022, 01:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Operated In Delegated Authority
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Operated In Delegated Authority
27-02-2025, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Is Delegated Authority
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Is Delegated Authority
26-02-2025, 05:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Must Be Delegated by God
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Must Be Delegated by God
26-02-2025, 06:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Operating In the Delegated Power of the Spirit
Kenneth Copeland - Operating In the Delegated Power of the Spirit
1-07-2022, 01:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority is in the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority is in the Name of Jesus
28-02-2025, 09:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - God's Authority Is In the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - God's Authority Is In the Name of Jesus
26-02-2025, 19:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Where Does the Believer's Authority Come From
Kenneth Copeland - Where Does the Believer's Authority Come From
28-02-2025, 03:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - There Is Power and Authority In the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - There Is Power and Authority In the Name of Jesus
27-02-2025, 22:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority to Prosper Comes From God
Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority to Prosper Comes From God
27-02-2025, 20:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority in Your Covenant with God
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority in Your Covenant with God
28-02-2025, 10:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority and Angels
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority and Angels
26-02-2025, 04:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Must Be Spoken
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Must Be Spoken
26-02-2025, 07:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Carriers of His Name
Kenneth Copeland - Carriers of His Name
22-09-2022, 01:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Be Filled With the Spirit of Power
Kenneth Copeland - Be Filled With the Spirit of Power
8-07-2022, 01:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Raised, Seated and Reigning
Kenneth Copeland - Raised, Seated and Reigning
22-10-2023, 00:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - God Gives You Authority In the Place He's Prepared for You
Kenneth Copeland - God Gives You Authority In the Place He's Prepared for You
26-02-2025, 17:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - God Gave Command Authority to the Church
Kenneth Copeland - God Gave Command Authority to the Church
28-02-2025, 13:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - What Is Biblical Honor?
Kenneth Copeland - What Is Biblical Honor?
3-11-2023, 00:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Living In the Spirit of Power
Kenneth Copeland - Living In the Spirit of Power
27-07-2022, 01:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Listen To the Holy Spirit Within
Kenneth Copeland - Listen To the Holy Spirit Within
7-04-2024, 16:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority of the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority of the Name of Jesus
8-04-2024, 14:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - The Spirit of Power in You
Kenneth Copeland - The Spirit of Power in You
5-07-2022, 01:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - What Happened on the Day of Pentecost?
Kenneth Copeland - What Happened on the Day of Pentecost?
21-11-2023, 00:00, Kenneth Copeland