Kenneth Copeland - How To Get From Here to There

Do you have a heart that is willing to hear from people? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and Jeremy Pearsons teach you how to get from here to there by receiving the wisdom of God, not only through His WORD and by His Spirit, but through others. Learn to recognize the end of an era or season in your life and to embrace God’s wisdom that comes through elders.
Kenneth Copeland - Finding Wisdom
Kenneth Copeland - Finding Wisdom
18-04-2022, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Course Correction
Kenneth Copeland - Course Correction
12-04-2022, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Freedom From All Grief
Kenneth Copeland - Freedom From All Grief
19-04-2022, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Help for an Anxious Mind
Kenneth Copeland - Help for an Anxious Mind
20-04-2022, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Train Your Spirit For Victory With The Word
Kenneth Copeland - Train Your Spirit For Victory With The Word
13-10-2021, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Believe The WORD
Kenneth Copeland - Believe The WORD
29-12-2021, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Giving Is Healthier Than Receiving
Kenneth Copeland - Giving Is Healthier Than Receiving
5-03-2021, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - What Is Sense Knowledge?
Kenneth Copeland - What Is Sense Knowledge?
23-03-2021, 21:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - With the Wisdom of God, You Can Do Anything
Kenneth Copeland - With the Wisdom of God, You Can Do Anything
4-11-2021, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - How to Receive Revelation Knowledge
Kenneth Copeland - How to Receive Revelation Knowledge
23-03-2021, 22:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Meditate On The WORD
Kenneth Copeland - Meditate On The WORD
27-12-2021, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - The Anointing Is In You
Kenneth Copeland - The Anointing Is In You
30-07-2021, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland