Kenneth Copeland - Take Time To Listen

Are you listening for The LORD's direction, or are you going your own way? Watch Believer's Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens share what happens when you take time to listen to what The LORD is speaking. When you seek His direction and make His corrections, you will stay right on course with God!
Kenneth Copeland - Direction Comes From Your Covenant Connection
Kenneth Copeland - Direction Comes From Your Covenant Connection
4-03-2021, 19:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Listen To the Holy Spirit Within
Kenneth Copeland - Listen To the Holy Spirit Within
7-04-2024, 16:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Diligently Listen to the Voice of The LORD
Kenneth Copeland - Diligently Listen to the Voice of The LORD
26-02-2025, 09:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - God's Direction Is for Your Perfection
Kenneth Copeland - God's Direction Is for Your Perfection
19-05-2022, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Following God's Direction Is Your Choice
Kenneth Copeland - Following God's Direction Is Your Choice
18-05-2022, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Joined Together in Covenant Partnership
Kenneth Copeland - Joined Together in Covenant Partnership
13-03-2021, 21:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Be Thankful All the Time
Kenneth Copeland - Be Thankful All the Time
5-04-2024, 22:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Covenant Corrections Come First
Kenneth Copeland - Covenant Corrections Come First
14-05-2022, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - God's Direction Is for Your Protection
Kenneth Copeland - God's Direction Is for Your Protection
17-05-2022, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - The Natural Spirit Needs an Outward Sign
Kenneth Copeland - The Natural Spirit Needs an Outward Sign
8-04-2024, 13:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith in His Name
Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith in His Name
19-04-2022, 04:35, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - God's Word Is Truth
Kenneth Copeland - God's Word Is Truth
21-03-2021, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Take Your Place of Victory
Kenneth Copeland - Take Your Place of Victory
12-07-2022, 01:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Who Was Judas?
Kenneth Copeland - Who Was Judas?
2-11-2021, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Covenant Correction Brings Direction
Kenneth Copeland - Covenant Correction Brings Direction
16-05-2022, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - The Goodness of God Leads You To Repentance
Kenneth Copeland - The Goodness of God Leads You To Repentance
26-01-2022, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Keep Yourself IN the Love of God
Kenneth Copeland - Keep Yourself IN the Love of God
22-04-2022, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - The Core Values of a Believer
Kenneth Copeland - The Core Values of a Believer
14-07-2022, 01:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Pray and Listen
Kenneth Copeland - Pray and Listen
12-11-2023, 00:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Love One Another
Kenneth Copeland - Love One Another
25-04-2022, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - There Is Rest for the People of God
Kenneth Copeland - There Is Rest for the People of God
19-04-2022, 04:35, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Covenant Healing
Kenneth Copeland - Covenant Healing
17-09-2023, 00:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Love Gives
Kenneth Copeland - Love Gives
23-04-2022, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland - Access to Everything God Knows
Kenneth Copeland - Access to Everything God Knows
3-07-2022, 01:00, Kenneth Copeland