Louie Giglio - Winning the Battle of the Mind

I’m going to win the battle of my mind because I have the power of the finished work of Jesus. I’m standing on victory and I’m going to move from that victory. We can all relate to the feeling of having to contend for our thoughts, that's why this truth was so encouraging: Jesus has given us victory at The Cross, and through the power of the Holy Spirit the ability take every thought captive for his glory in the fight towards winning the battle of the mind.

Remember, when Jesus died and rose on the third day, he rose to glorious and victorious life both now and forever. When He did, he gave this life to anyone who will put their trust in Him. The battle in our minds is real; it's not something we can push away or ignore. We need to arm ourselves with Paul's reminder in 2 Corinthians 10:5, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

This week, Pastor Louie left us with a practical challenge. To exercise authority over our thoughts with these five steps:

1. Examine it. Question it. Where did it come from? Does it match up with God's Word?

2. Bind that thought before it binds you. Negative, tempting, or fearful thoughts will capture us if we don't take ahold of them first, rooted in the Word to know what God says about them. Let the Scripture sink in your heart and head so that the enemy can't short-circuit your calling or steal your purpose.

3. Change the narrative. Don't merely bind the bad but begin to think about whatever is pure and good and lovely and praiseworthy (Phil 4:8) and write a new story.

4. Act on that truth.

5. Repeat. What is the thought that is binding you today? Examine it, bind it, and speak the truth in its place and begin walking in victory, the νικος of Christ!
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